netdecking with the stars
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62 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy Santana cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier - 5k @ Gamer Geeks (Warrior, AL) 9-16 18/01/25
Arixmethes, Slumbering Isle Russell Kyle cEDH Anti-cEDH cEDH Club Fire and Ice 3-4 23/11/24
Pir, Imaginative Rascal + Toothy, Imaginary Friend Pedro Domínguez cEDH Primer Torneo EDH Clasificatorio Circuito Nacional EDH Landfall TV @ Commander San Miguel 3-4 20/08/23
Niv-mizzet Reborn Cédric Collin Duel Commander Open DC @ La Boite-Monde (Évreux, France) 1 06/05/23
Damia, Sage Of Stone Domino Duel Commander Les Chroniques du Commander @ Streaming 5-8 19/11/22
Tasigur, the Golden Fang Joseph Previti cEDH Reserve list Series @ Rip N Ship Gaming (Long Island, NY) 5-8 27/03/22
Kalamax, the Stormsire Marc Siddall cEDH SCG CON Indianapolis - Commander Celebration Package @ Star City Games 8 18/03/22
Koma Cosmos Serpent Baptiste Dumas Duel Commander Monthly DC League @ Libourne (France) 2 10/04/21
Uro Vojtech Benes Duel Commander duel o Dual @ Poděbrady/CZ 3-4 15/02/20
Atraxa Pierre-axel Bral Duel Commander MagicCorp - Duel Commander 3-4 30/09/17
The Mimeoplasm Pedro "palestino" Yago MTGO Commander Liga Ludovicense de MTGO Commander - Season 6 (16/09/17) 5-8 16/09/17
Atraxa Pierre-axel Bral Duel Commander Trial Show and Tell 5-8 13/08/17
Tasigur, The Golden Fang Brunno Portela MTGO Commander MTGO Commander - Liga Spellbox Season 12 2 29/05/17
Tasigur, The Golden Fang Renan Mayo Peixoto MTGO Commander MTGO Commander FNM @ Petrópolis/RJ 1 26/05/17
Surrak Dragonclaw raphaelfrance MTGO Commander MTGO Commander League 9 22/05/17
Jenara, Asura of War Daniele Berardi Duel Commander Commandergeddon Trial [30 HP] 5-8 02/10/16
Prime Speaker Zegana Carlos Henrique Silva Duel Commander Duel Commander Mensal 5-8 17/09/16
Child of Alara - Control Nicolas Campiglia Duel Commander Demonic Tournament Commander #7 (Rouen, France) 9-16 09/07/16
Surrak Dragonclaw Kilian "IronVixen" Boulhais Duel Commander Clash of Commanders (Libourne) 5-8 08/05/16
Surrak Dragonclaw Lucas Viudes Duel Commander Duel Commander Semanal - 05/05 - Academia de Jogos 3-4 05/05/16
Surrak Dragonclaw An Ran Duel Commander 34th "New Year Cake" Cup (Beijing) 1 17/04/16
Surrak - Twin Exarch Ste Villaraza Duel Commander Philippines Super Series 2016 - PQ#2 (Cavite, Philippines) 1 10/04/16
Surrak Dragonclaw Alberto Laurenzi Duel Commander Lega Romagnola Commander Finale 6 17/02/16
Scapeshift Adriano Lopes Modern GPT Barcelona - MtGCG 2 23/01/16
Surrak Dragonclaw Michele Atzeni Duel Commander EDH Nebraska's War (Lido di Camaiore, Italy) 8 08/12/15
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