netdecking with the stars
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60 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Maverick SaitoSan Legacy MTGO League 1 06/02/25
4c Legends Misplacedginger Pioneer MTGO Challenge 64 11 09/05/24
Amalia Life SpicyLeche Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 16 03/03/24
Amalia Life Capriccioso Pioneer MTGO Preliminary 1 29/02/24
Slimefoot And Squee Jiateng Xiong Duel Commander BuBan S1 Final @ Buban Club (Shanghai, China) 1 28/01/24
Martyr Proc Brad C. Canadian Highlander MXP @ Tacoma (WA, USA) 2 12/08/23
Tymna the Weaver + Kodama of the East Tree Drake Turner cEDH CommandFest - cEDH Full Weekend @ SCG CON Baltimore Other 17/06/23
Dina, Soul Steeper Andy Webbink cEDH cEDH $5K @ SCG Con Baltimore 2023 65-128 01/06/23
Mono Black Aggro Kurosaki Ryou Pioneer Cup for Solitude @ Hareruya (Japan) 5-8 03/05/23
Sisay, Weatherlight Captain Ricardo Rodrigues cEDH 7 Hills City Open @ cEDHPT (Portugal) 9-16 01/05/23
Esper Legend Raffine Viscettoiv Explorer Jaffer's Magic Mosh Pit 1 15/04/23
Esper Legend Raffine Jaffer Explorer Jaffer's Magic Mosh Pit 3-4 15/04/23
5c Legends Majin666#35749 Explorer Torneio BlackManaMtg da Madrugada 26 @ matcherino 2 22/03/23
Jodah, The Unifier Léon Le Loir Duel Commander WANTED Saison 6 #1 @ Cartarennes (Rennes, France) 2 11/01/23
Golgari Sacrifice Inaste Noquar Historic Tiny Tournament @ nothing but land 2 12/06/22
Golgari Sacrifice Guardianthesecond Historic Tournament @ Mint State Arena 5-8 14/05/22
Sisay, Weatherlight Captain Kenneth Polsky cEDH Reserve list Series @ Rip N Ship Gaming (Long Island, NY) 5-8 27/03/22
Rakdos Aggro Eliott_dragon Standard Stream League 10 @ TheOneJame 3-4 27/03/22
Golgari Sacrifice Tyler Anderson Historic MTG Arena Zone Championship Qualifier @ DotGG Events 5-8 20/03/22
Rakdos Aggro Eric Way Alchemy Neon Dynasty Championship - Alchemy 32 11/03/22
Golgari Sacrifice Jean Zarrouati Historic Neon Dynasty Championship - Historic 32 11/03/22
Golgari Sacrifice Dominik Konieczny Historic Neon Dynasty Championship - Historic 32 11/03/22
Orzhov Aggro Benjamin Brantzen Historic Tiny Tournament @ nothing but land 3-4 06/02/22
Golgari Control Fabien Rigoulet Standard Ma Melee Arena Feb#1 @ Lord Hebus Magic 2 02/02/22
Golgari Sacrifice Cosa_losta Historic Qualifier Turnier @ Sol4r1s Tournament Scene 1 30/01/22
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