netdecking with the stars
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1096 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Simic Control Baccari Edoard Standard RCQ @ Il Labirinto (Bollate, Italy) 2 16/03/25
Jeskai Abramo Ponticelli Standard RCQ - Road to Bologna @ La Rocca di Darsheyalon (Montecatini Terme, Italy) 5-8 16/03/25
UG Madness Sebastian Rosvall Premodern Blekinge Rumble3 @ Blekinge (Sweden) 5-8 15/03/25
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Hooi cEDH Blight Club x Game Over Here Budget Competitive EDH League Session 2 @ Game Over Here (elangor, Malaysia) 2 15/03/25
UG Madness Sebastian Rosvall Premodern Rumble 3 @ Blekinge (Sweden) 5-8 15/03/25
UG Madness André Sadao Premodern Weekly Event @ Loja do Toguro (Santo André, Brazil) 5-8 10/03/25
UG Madness Tiziano Batori Premodern Pian di Magia Tournament 5-8 02/03/25
Uw Oculus Noé Dumez Standard RCQ @ Azcanta Tournaments Cercle de la Cité (Lausanne, Switzerland) 1 02/03/25
Jeskai Oculus Andrew Zemke Standard Rooks Saturday Double Header @ Rook's Games and More (Bozeman, MT) 5-8 01/03/25
UG Madness André Sadao Premodern Weekly Event @ Loja do Toguro (Santo André, Brazil) 5-8 24/02/25
Simic Control Andrenacci Gianmarco Standard European Magic Series RCQ 2 R9 @ Gameblast (Pescara, Italy) 5-8 23/02/25
Shorikai, Genesis Engine Collin Cole cEDH Dual Land Battle - Commander @ Magnolia Games (Enterprise, AL) 1 22/02/25
Ug Madness Mathias Sf Premodern Hortela League 3-4 22/02/25
UG Madness Kike Gallardo Premodern Mensual Liga @ Granada (Spain) 5-8 22/02/25
Izzet Hellraiser Martin Eidam Standard RCQ @ BB-Spiele (Rosenheim, Germany) 1 22/02/25
UG Madness André Sadao Premodern Weekly @ Polar Jogos (São Paulo, Brazil) 5-8 18/02/25
Azorius Aggro caronte1991 Standard MTGO League 2 17/02/25
UG Madness Bruno Garrido Premodern Weekly @ Loja do Toguro (Santo André, Brazil) 5-8 17/02/25
UG Madness André Sadao Premodern Weekly @ Loja do Toguro (Santo André, Brazil) 5-8 17/02/25
Super Grow Rodrigo Martins Premodern Weekly Event @ Epic Game (São Paulo, Brazil) 5-8 17/02/25
Mono-blue Faeries Dank Vegetables Pauper Monthly Tournament #47 @ Paper Pauper Magic Discord 5-8 16/02/25
Simic Control Luca Giunti Standard RCQ @ Dungeon Street (Pisa, Italy) 2 16/02/25
Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel Pedro Goes Duel Commander Mensal Cidadela @ Cidadela Card Games (Curitiba, Brazil) 3-4 15/02/25
Uw Oculus Sean Collins Standard RCQ @ CCGHouse (Vancouver, WA) 1 15/02/25
Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel danitachi87 Duel Commander MTGO League 3 11/02/25
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