netdecking with the stars
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1352 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel Chanaphol Duel Commander Draw7 - MTG 100 @ Thailand 4 08/12/24
Svyelun Of Sea And Sky Reynerio Estacio Duel Commander Subok Ulit DC Mox Ruby Champs @ Parqal, Paranaque (Philippines) 1 10/11/24
Izzet Lutri Michele Marconi Modern RCQ @ Golden Store Talenti (Rome, Italy) 3-4 12/10/24
Dimir Tempo subesube0417 Legacy MTGO Challenge 32 3-4 06/10/24
Dimir Tempo Suzukiii Legacy MTGO League 3 05/10/24
Dimir Tempo Uramoto Reo Legacy 21th Tokai Championship @ Hareruya (Nagoya, Japan) 2 04/10/24
Dimir Tempo silviawataru Legacy MTGO Challenge 64 5-8 29/09/24
Dimir Tempo Suzukiii Legacy MTGO League 3 24/09/24
Cephalid Breakfast T_Kudo Legacy MTGO League 2 23/09/24
Dimir Tempo silviawataru Legacy MTGO Challenge 32 1 22/09/24
Dimir Tempo kentaro_hokori Legacy MTGO Showcase Challenge 11 22/09/24
UR Lutri Control Xenowan Modern MTGO Challenge 64 3-4 15/09/24
Dimir Tempo silviawataru Legacy MTGO Challenge 64 1 15/09/24
UR Lutri Control Xenowan Modern MTGO Challenge 64 5-8 15/09/24
Jacob Hauken, Inspector Richard Ashby cEDH End of Summer cEDH 1K @ Tavern of Souls (Albuquerque, NM,) 9-16 31/08/24
Dimir Tempo CoolUser Legacy MTGO League 2 19/08/24
Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student max09 Duel Commander MTGO Duel League 6 06/08/24
UB Reanimator Trohck Legacy MTGO Challenge 32 14 28/07/24
Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel Darko Obradovic Duel Commander Spring Duel Commander @ Fortress (Novi Sad, Serbia) 3-4 06/04/24
UR Murktide Changsu Kou Modern Champions Cup Store Qualifier @ Hareruya (Takamatsu, Japan) 1 11/09/23
Cascade Crash Jo Dimatteo Modern $20K Trial @ SCG CON Richmond 5-8 14/04/23
UR Aggro Simpleliquid Modern MTGO Preliminary 5 10/06/22
Izzet Blitz Luke J Modern FNM @ Pendle Colne (United Kingdom) 3-4 03/06/22
Izzet Prowess Brandon Ragone Modern Garden State Series Qualifier @ Greg's Games (Hamilton, NJ) 3-4 26/03/22
UR Aggro Sato Yuji Modern The Last Sun 2021 Qualifier 1 24/10/21
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