netdecking with the stars
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1164 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Kenneth Ravenell cEDH Commander & Coffee - Iced Edition @ Sword in the Stone LLC (Wilkes-Barre Township, PA) 9-16 22/02/25
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Joshua Cheek cEDH Dual Land Battle - Commander @ Magnolia Games (Enterprise, AL) 2 22/02/25
Dimir Aggro Mikebrav Pioneer MTGO Qualifier 11 14/02/25
Satoru Umezawa Connor Miller cEDH SeaEDH 10 "The Brain Freeze" @ Laughing Dragon MTG (Issaquah, WA) 9-16 01/02/25
Satoru Umezawa Martín Cisterna cEDH Portal Navideño - Torneo Dicespell - Commander Budget 150 Usd @ Santiago (Chile) 5-8 07/12/24
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Jorge Carabajal cEDH $150 Budget Commander @ Dreamlord (Córdoba, Argentina) 9-16 09/11/24
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Алексей Гусев cEDH Big Magic Weekend @ Club Another World (Minsk, Belarus) 3-4 03/11/24
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Dax Wilson cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier @ Dragon's Lair Comics & Fantasy (San Antonio, TX) 5-8 02/11/24
Dimir Aggro mcnuggets8 Pioneer MTGO League 4 28/10/24
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow London Glenn cEDH Force Mastery cEDH tournament II @ Force Of Will Gaming (Bastrop, TX) 5-8 26/10/24
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Kenneth Ravenell cEDH Festival Redux 2024 @ Sword in the Stone LLC (Wilkes-Barre Township, PA) 5-8 20/10/24
Dimir Aggro StefanoLINK Pioneer MTGO League 8 11/10/24
Dimir Aggro elvin7 Pioneer MTGO League 6 07/10/24
Dimir Aggro ajifly Pioneer MTGO League 6 06/10/24
Dimir Kaito Rogues Danny Schröder Pioneer Pioneer in the Clouds 4 @ Cloudcardgrading (Neumünster, Germany) 1 05/10/24
Dimir Aggro David Muraoka Pioneer Regional Championship @ SCG CON Washington DC 65-128 05/10/24
Dimir Aggro Thomas Berry Pioneer LCQ #12 @ SCG CON Washington DC 9-16 04/10/24
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Gilles Paris cEDH NPHX cEDH @ Gamers Guild (Phoenix, AZ) 9-16 29/09/24
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Benedikt Rieger cEDH Ballon Con 3 @ Countdown Spielewelt (Landsberg am Lech, Germany) 17-32 28/09/24
Dimir Aggro Pedro Guilherme Lemes Pioneer Showdown VII | Ciclo 1 Ano 3 @ City Class Games (São Paulo, Brazil) 9-16 28/09/24
Dimir Aggro mcnuggets8 Pioneer MTGO Qualifier 5-8 02/09/24
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Dax Wilson cEDH Force Mastery @ Force Of Will Gaming (Bastrop, TX) 1 17/08/24
Dimir Aggro mcnuggets8 Pioneer MTGO League 6 12/08/24
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Dmitrii Ovsiannikov cEDH "Watermelon Day 2024" @ Moscow (Russia) 1 03/08/24
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Alexey Gusev cEDH "Watermelon Day 2024" @ Moscow (Russia) 5-8 03/08/24
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