netdecking with the stars
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256 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
UW Control caiogiovanni Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 10 09/09/24
UW Control caiogiovanni Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 10 08/09/24
UW Control Black_72 Pioneer MTGO League 5 06/09/24
UW Control Black_72 Pioneer MTGO League 1 05/07/24
Temur Control RobertTheeBruce Standard MTGO League 2 19/05/24
Esper Raffine Kihara Atsuki Standard Champions Cup Premium Qualifier @ Big Magic Namba (Osaka, Japan) 5-8 25/02/24
Izzet Lutri Control Satoshi Kuroiwa Pioneer Rumble @ Hareruya (Japan) 5-8 24/02/24
Simic Aggro Naoya Takahashi Standard Cup: “Murders at Karlov Manor” @ BIG MAGIC (Japan) 33-64 11/02/24
Simic Aggro Thief_Of_Crowns Standard MTGO Preliminary 4 30/01/24
Izzet Lutri Control genkinman2 Pioneer MTGO League 5 14/12/23
Wilson Blue Etienne Lafabre Duel Commander DC Festival Ludik @ Rochefort (France) 8 25/11/23
Simic Aggro Egor Kryshkavets Standard Big Magic Weekend @ Club Another World (Minsk, Belarus) 5-8 05/11/23
Edric, Spymaster of Trest Eduardo Hidalgo cEDH 3er Torneo @ Clasificatorio Circuito Nacional EDH Landfall TV (Santiago, Chile) 1 29/10/23
Ivy, Gleeful Spellthief Mirleau Matthieu Duel Commander Tuesday Night Event @ Goupiya (Antony, France) 2 17/10/23
Dimir Control cftsoc3 Standard MTGO Challenge 32 6 01/10/23
Mono Blue Tempo German_fraga Standard Event @ Nothing But Land 5-8 02/09/23
Edric, Spymaster of Trest Eduardo Hidalgo cEDH Primer Torneo EDH Clasificatorio Circuito Nacional EDH Landfall TV @ Commander San Miguel 1 20/08/23
Jeskai Green Steven B. Canadian Highlander MXP @ Tacoma (WA, USA) 1 12/08/23
Dimir Aggro Roseq Standard Construído do TorTo (197) 5-8 03/08/23
Mono Blue Tempo Gison Standard Construído do TorTo (196) 3-4 02/08/23
Mono Blue Tempo Gison Standard Construído do TorTo (194) 2 01/08/23
Zimone And Dina Yuan Luyang Duel Commander 152nd New Year Cake Cup @ Buban Club (Shanghai, China) 1 02/07/23
Mono Blue Tempo Mertcan Standard Bo1 Cup @ matcherino 1 14/06/23
Zimone And Dina Brenden Fulton Duel Commander TEG MOM Duel Commander League @ The End Games (Charlottesville, VA) 5-8 13/06/23
Mono Blue Tempo Mertcan Standard Torneio da Madrugada 55 @ BlackManaMtg 2 09/06/23
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