netdecking with the stars
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557 decks matching
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Wilson, Refined Grizzly / Sword Coast Sailor Renaud Thirouard Duel Commander Chill @ Layrac (France) 3-4 23/03/25
Teferi, Temporal Archmage André Giraud Duel Commander Championnat québécois DC 2025 @ ALT F4 (Montréal, Québec) 5-8 22/03/25
Sword Coast Sailor + Wilson, Refined Grizzly Václav Peltan Duel Commander Prague DC Series - March @ The Grail (Prague, Czech Republic) 4 22/03/25
Stasis Enrique San Pedro Premodern Blekinge Rumble3 @ Blekinge (Sweden) 5-8 15/03/25
Stasis Enrique San Pedro Premodern Rumble 3 @ Blekinge (Sweden) 5-8 15/03/25
Stasis Tarik Khalil Premodern Semanal @ Brasília (Brazil) 1 12/03/25
Stasis Jon Alex Vallejo Premodern March Tournament @ Bilbao (Spain) 5-8 08/03/25
Stasis Raúl Fretes Premodern FNM @ Gárgula Gaming (Lisboa, Portugal) 1 07/03/25
Stasis Jose Luis Matar Premodern Liga @ The Old Skull (La Plata, Argentina) 3-4 02/03/25
Stasis Dominik Repa Premodern PM 4th/2025 @ Cloudpost (Bratislava, Slovakia) 3-4 27/02/25
Stasis Alessandro Pasquali Premodern Goblin Bologna -Febbraio 2025- @ Goblin Bologna (Bologna, Italy) 3-4 23/02/25
Stasis Karl Rivest Harnois Premodern Boreal Event @ Ottawa (Canada) 3-4 22/02/25
Thrasios + Tymna Brian Crosson cEDH Commander Showdown XXVII: Be Mine! @ Crimson Hood Hobbies (Richland Hills, TX) 9-16 22/02/25
Stasis Marco Giovani Premodern PM League Underground #4 @ Comix cafè (Grosseto, Italy) 1 21/02/25
Stasis Tattoojdi Premodern Biweekly Event @ Mont CardShop (Campinas, Brazil) 3-4 19/02/25
Venser, Shaper Savant Benoît Jaques Duel Commander DC Open Qualifier - Geneve CH @ Genève (Switzerland) 4 16/02/25
Teferi, Temporal Archmage Titouan Le Berre Duel Commander CR DC Midi Pyrénées @ Toulouse (France) 5-8 15/02/25
Stasis Alex Panda Premodern Liga Alicante 2025 3ª Jornada @ Alicante (Spain) 5-8 15/02/25
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy Hamad Ibrahim cEDH Bully Thyself CEDH Tournament @ The Empanada House (Doha, Qatar) 1 12/02/25
Stasis Vinicius Maranduba Premodern Weekly Event @ Loja do Toguro (Santo André, Brazil) 5-8 10/02/25
Stasis Sebastian Padin Premodern Liga The Old Skull @ The Old Skull (La Plata, Argentina) 3-4 09/02/25
Oath of Druids Robert Lang Premodern 30th Tournament @ Ultra Comix (Nuremberg, Germany) 5-8 08/02/25
Stasis Raúl Fretes Premodern FNM @ Gárgula Gaming (Lisboa, Portugal) 3-4 07/02/25
Derevi, Empyrial Tactician Gabriel Rodriguez cEDH cEDH Showdown IV: $1k @ gamesIRL (Avon, CT) 3-4 02/02/25
Stasis Paweł Smolinski Premodern Polish Nationals @ Krakow (Poland) 9-16 01/02/25
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