netdecking with the stars
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1543 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Phelia, Exuberant Shepherd Boas Duel Commander Season #12 - Duel Commander League Playoffs @ Alara Games (Trollhättan, Sweden) 2 15/03/25
Weenie White Patey_07 Pauper Royale 230 5-8 27/02/25
Pdc Gut White Nico Jerson Samson Duel Commander S2E14 Pauper DC @ Block 101 ( Philippines) 3-4 22/02/25
Pdc Anafenza, Kin Tree Donovan Babiano Duel Commander S2E14 Pauper DC @ Block 101 ( Philippines) 3-4 22/02/25
Boros Gut aggro_aaron Commander Pauper [Pauper EDH] Sanctuary Open VIII 3-4 15/02/25
Weenie White Squirtle19 Pioneer MTGO League 1 06/02/25
Weenie White Patey_07 Pauper Fuguete League 210 9-16 05/02/25
Amalia Benavides Aguirre Jordi Gasulla Rabionet cEDH Commander Budget @ Magic Barcelona 5-8 27/01/25
Weenie White Jarosław Milewski Pioneer 3City League (FDN) #7 @ SideQuest (Gdańsk, Poland) 2 20/01/25
Phelia Felixdecastro Duel Commander Duel 500 @ Boituva (Sao Paulo, Brazil) 1 14/01/25
Weenie White Patey_07 Pauper Fuguete Champ 221 9-16 13/01/25
Selesnya Aggro DookieTrouserMD Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 16 09/01/25
Weenie White Patey_07 Pauper Royale 223 3-4 09/01/25
Zinnia, Valley's Voice Jeremy Cg cEDH $100 Multi EDH Upkeep Hobbies @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 5 29/12/24
Anikthea, Hand of Erebos Drlorente91 cEDH Commander Budget @ Magic Barcelona 5-8 09/12/24
Le Maître Des Clés Maître Des Clés Duel Commander DC de Noel GOB L'Ain @ Ambérieu en bugey (France) 1 01/12/24
Delney, Streetwise Lookout Emery Martin cEDH Mana Games Commander League: Fall @ Mana Games Café (Lincoln, NE) 5-8 25/11/24
Weenie White Tiagofuguete Pauper Royale 215 5-8 14/11/24
Orzhov Aggro Mirkezio Pauper Fuffageddon Vol. 5 @ Games Academy (Vicenza, Italy) 2 13/10/24
Phelia, Exuberant Sheperd Massimo Scarpini Duel Commander Gnomicon II @ Bear's Lair (Biella, Italy) 5-8 29/09/24
Orzhov Aggro Emanuele Vitali Pauper Lega Genova - Autumn season - 4th round @ Genova (Italy) 3-4 23/09/24
Sythis Damien Bidondo Duel Commander FNM les K'artonnés @ La Teste de Buch (France) 2 06/09/24
Gw Aura David Flower Pauper Casual Play - 3^ 1 03/09/24
Zinnia, Valley's Voice Jeremy Cg cEDH $100 Multi EDH @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 2 01/09/24
Zinnia, Valley's Voice Jeremy Cg cEDH Sunday $100 Multi EDH @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 3 25/08/24
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