netdecking with the stars
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1292 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Hidetsugu and Kairi grumgrum Duel Commander MTGO Duel Commander League 4 22/03/25
Hidetsugu and Kairi Mikey051092 Duel Commander MTGO Duel Commander League 7 21/03/25
Hidetsugu And Kairi Brieg Couzigou Duel Commander Thursday Night Tournament #31 @ France 3-4 20/03/25
Hidetsugu and Kairi grumgrum Duel Commander MTGO League 4 19/03/25
Hidetsugu and Kairi eduardojmp Duel Commander MTGO Duel Commander Trial 16 1 18/03/25
Leovold, Emissary Of Trest Ligen Zhai Duel Commander Watermelon Champion Cup Nights @ Slow Drake (Beijing, China) 4 18/03/25
Hidetsugu And Kairi Diego "dmyr" Rio Duel Commander Weekly @ Le Vizz (Rouen, France) 2 18/03/25
Ertai Resurrected V. Bruant Duel Commander CR Bourgogne @ Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire (France) 9-16 16/03/25
Hidetsugu And Kairi Diego "dmyr" Rio Duel Commander DTC League @ Rouen (France) 1 16/03/25
Marchesa, Dealer Of Death Mathias Cabrol Duel Commander Meule de Savoie 4 @ Allevard (France) 3-4 16/03/25
Ertai Resurrected Jean-baptiste Canonici Duel Commander OQ au Château by Auro @ Salon de Provence (France) 1 16/03/25
Don Andres, the Renegade Ronny cEDH Commander Party @ Magic Barcelona (Barcelona) 5-8 15/03/25
Ertai Resurrected Jean-baptiste Canonici Duel Commander CR PACA - Mistral by Auro @ Salon de Provence (France) 9-16 15/03/25
Hidetsugu and Kairi grumgrum Duel Commander MTGO Duel Commander Trial 16 5-8 15/03/25
Hidetsugu and Kairi grumgrum Duel Commander MTGO League 1 15/03/25
Ertai Resurrected Zhen Li Duel Commander Watermelon Champion - 3v3 Cup @ Slow Drake (Beijing, China) 2 15/03/25
Hidetsugu And Kairi Jia Peiming Duel Commander Wool Cup 134 @ Kadou (Beijing, China) 1 14/03/25
Ertai Resurrected Casey Mills Duel Commander Winter Duel League @ End Games (Charlottesville, VA) 2 13/03/25
Leovold, Emissary of Trest som40 Duel Commander MTGO League 2 12/03/25
Hidetsugu and Kairi MatheusPonciano Duel Commander MTGO League 1 11/03/25
Hidetsugu And Kairi Diego "dmyr" Rio Duel Commander Weekly @ Le Vizz (Rouen, France) 1 11/03/25
Atraxa, Grand Unifier Vojtěch Lavička Duel Commander 28th Pdc - Najáda DC Liga @ Najáda (Prague, Czech Republic) 5-8 08/03/25
Marchesa Bilal Patel Duel Commander DC monthly RPG @ Re-Play Games (Roanne, France) 3 08/03/25
Hidetsugu And Kairi Jacopo Arrighi Duel Commander Duel Commander Challenge @ Magicplanet MTG (Piacenza, Italy) 4 08/03/25
Marchesa, Dealer Of Death Jayson Babin Duel Commander Face à Face DCQC #8 @ Face to Face (Verdun, Québec) 2 08/03/25
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