netdecking with the stars
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40 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Magus Lucea Kane Simicinfect cEDH Shop Collectibles: Commander Showdown III @ The Shop Collectibles LLC (Crown Point, IN) 3-4 17/01/25
Questing Beast Jomar Co Duel Commander Manaburn Xmas tourney @ Pugee Pugees Crib (Rizal, Philippines) 1 22/12/24
Kibo, Uktabi Prince Caín Orta González cEDH Commander Budget @ Magic Barcelona 2 09/12/24
Wilson/bagareur De Taverne Freaks Duel Commander Le 2ème de Carte sur Table @ Coulommiers (France) 5-8 01/12/24
Halana And Alena, Partners Parthompong Duel Commander Draw7 Masters - Open series #9 @ Thailand 4 01/09/24
Wilson + U Jules 'julesnavet' Trousson Duel Commander Zap Realmbreakers @ Palaiseau (France) 9-16 23/06/24
Nadu Miguel Carrascosa Duel Commander Monthly @ Nexus Sueca (Sueca, Spain) 1 15/06/24
Wilson Blue Thibaut Ezavin Duel Commander Big WOTCA (Nice Fiction 2024) @ Nice (France) 5-8 08/06/24
Wilson, Refined Grizzly - Blue Jose Juarez Duel Commander Mashup DC League Peru @ Lima (Peru) 5-8 24/03/24
Other Partner Aggro Clément "majax" Drapeau Duel Commander FNM - Duel Commander @ Le Chaudron Ludique (Rodez, France) 3-4 08/03/24
Wilson/feywild Visitor Alessandro Russo Duel Commander IV Tappa Lega @ Bear's Lair (Biella, Italy) 3-4 02/03/24
Wilsoooon Quentin D Duel Commander Focus Commander League #6 @ Agen (France) 2 11/02/24
Wilson U "ben" Duel Commander Thursday night Turbo @ France 3-4 08/02/24
Wilson Blue Florent Poupeau Duel Commander Zap Double @ Suresnes (France) 3-4 04/02/24
Raised by Giants + Wilson, Refined Grizzly Kit Garcia cEDH $100 Multi EDH @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 2 13/01/24
Wilson, L'ours Bleu Clément Drapeau Duel Commander Larzac Legend League @ Saint-Affrique (Aveyron, France) 5-8 07/01/24
Agent of the Shadow Thieves + Erinis, Gloom Stalker Dana Rennick cEDH 1v1 Tournament of Champions #26 @ OP Comics and Games (Santa Rosa, CA) 7 28/10/23
Gargos, Vicious Watcher Alvaro Bustos cEDH Torneo Dicespell - Commander Budget 150 $ @ La Dicefonda (Santiago, Chile) 5-8 23/09/23
Yorvo, Lord Of Garenbrig Giuseppe Martello Duel Commander DC LEAGUE EstremoTGC #1 @ Estemo Store (Napoli, Italy) 2 31/07/23
Legolas, Master Archer Randy Mestiola cEDH $100 LTR Multi EDH @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 4 16/07/23
Shalai and Hallar Travis Colledge cEDH Mox Masters June 23 5-8 01/06/23
Wilson, Refined Grizzly U Guillaume "vinzlar" Vincent Duel Commander Open Qualifier CDF - New Banlist @ Goupiya (Antony, France) 4 30/05/23
Voltron Pierre Picot Duel Commander Troll Games #9 @ Nieppe (France) 5-8 14/05/23
Wilson Blue Thibault Buisson Duel Commander Open DC Le Bois des Elfes @ Bouafles (France) 3-4 16/04/23
Wilson Blue Pïerre Picot Duel Commander Zap double @ Suresnes (France) 5-8 09/04/23
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