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4955 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Nadu adamwasmo Legacy MTGO Challenge 32 9 26/03/25
Krark + Tymna Shaka cEDH Toptierbangers Money Mondays#35 - Last Commander Standing @ Toptierbangers Discord / spell table 3-4 24/03/25
Thrasios + Yoshimaru Kai Powell cEDH Toptierbangers Money Mondays#35 - Last Commander Standing @ Toptierbangers Discord / spell table 5-8 24/03/25
4c Value Gaetan Bossy Modern 1k SUL Premiere @ CardCollectors (Wädenswil, Switzerland) 1 23/03/25
Shorikai, Genesis Engine Brian Schubert cEDH CEDH Dual Tournament @ Critical Hit Gaming Lounge (Courtice, Canada) 1 23/03/25
Tymna + Kraum Nick Van Ek cEDH CEDH Dual Tournament @ Critical Hit Gaming Lounge (Courtice, Canada) 9-16 23/03/25
Lagrella, The Magpie Anthony Vitry Duel Commander championnat DC Réunion @ Ile de la Réunion 5-8 23/03/25
Kraum + Tymna Robert Michael Lyons cEDH Irish Magic Discord's EU Qualifier @ Leprecon 44 (Dublin, Ireland) 5-8 23/03/25
Malcolm + Akiri Joseph Buckohr cEDH Tournament @ Paragon Gaming, LLC (Knoxville, TN) 5-8 23/03/25
Tymna + Kraum Taylor Roland cEDH Tournament @ Paragon Gaming, LLC (Knoxville, TN) 5-8 23/03/25
Tymna + Kraum Mike Cooper cEDH Tournament @ Paragon Gaming, LLC (Knoxville, TN) 5-8 23/03/25
Tivit, Seller of Secrets Zachary Ritz cEDH Weekly Mulligans @ Mulligan Games (Warminster, PA) 1 23/03/25
Bjorna, Nightfall Alchemist + Wernog, Rider's Chaplain Irain cEDH Win-A-Dualland (Taiga) @ MTG Asia (Singapore) 1 23/03/25
Ketramose, the New Dawn Hq You cEDH Win-A-Dualland (Taiga) @ MTG Asia (Singapore) 5-8 23/03/25
Kraum + Tymna Jacob Wroblewski cEDH #ValueBreach5 cEDH Tournament @ Meriden (CT) 3-4 22/03/25
Tivit, Seller of Secrets Kahlil Martinez cEDH #ValueBreach5 cEDH Tournament @ Meriden (CT) 9-16 22/03/25
Kraum + Tymna Max B cEDH #ValueBreach5 cEDH Tournament @ Meriden (CT) 9-16 22/03/25
Najeela, the Blade-Blossom Christopher Gonzalez cEDH #ValueBreach5 cEDH Tournament @ Meriden (CT) 9-16 22/03/25
Najeela, the Blade-Blossom Jason Pappas cEDH 100% Proxy Expedition cEDH @ 8th Side (Lincoln Park, MI) 3-4 22/03/25
Kraum + Tymna Adam Wang cEDH AZMS CEDH Qualifier #2 Play or Draw @ Play or Draw (AZ) 3-4 22/03/25
Kenrith, the Returned King Bobby cEDH AZMS CEDH Qualifier #2 Play or Draw @ Play or Draw (AZ) 5-8 22/03/25
Kraum + Tymna Steve Corso cEDH Battle in Butler! Win a Dual cEDH Tournament #3 @ Evolution Gaming (Butler, WI) 1 22/03/25
Narset, Enlightened Master Syang cEDH Battle in Butler! Win a Dual cEDH Tournament #3 @ Evolution Gaming (Butler, WI) 5-8 22/03/25
Tymna + Kraum Brook Boatright cEDH CEDH 1k at the Blue Ridge Showdown @ Collett Street Recreation Center (Morganton, NC) 1 22/03/25
Sen Triplets Austin C cEDH CEDH 1k at the Blue Ridge Showdown @ Collett Street Recreation Center (Morganton, NC) 3-4 22/03/25
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