netdecking with the stars
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479 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Jund Cascada David Tello Pauper Challenge @ Mulligan (Antequera, Spain) 5-8 30/11/24
Gruul Ponza Daniel Lorenz Pauper Spirit of Pauper #7 @ 42 Southside Fantasy (Berlin, Germany) 5-8 01/06/24
LLL Haitz Pauper Pa(u)per Cam #1 Edition @ Spain via Webcam 2 12/05/24
Mono Green Aggro Primoshow Pauper Event @ Barao Geek (São Paulo, Brazil) 5-8 10/05/24
Temur Ramp Matteo "il Dini" Di Nicola Pauper LP Comense "Road to Pisa" @ Magic Akiba (Mariano Comense, Italy) 3-4 08/05/24
Golgari Midrange LL LasVegasChaos Pauper MTGO Preliminary 1 22/04/24
Urzatron Riul86 Pauper Domingooouuu 43 2 17/03/24
Urzatron Riul86 Pauper Domingooouuu 41 3-4 04/02/24
Walls Tolarian_aprendice Pauper Fuguete League 154 5-8 03/01/24
Grull Ponza Lorenzo Felicini Pauper 6 Tappa Lega @ La Tana Terni (Italy) 5-8 16/11/23
Gruul Land Loss Alessio Angeletti Pauper 5° Tappa Lega @ La Tana Terni (Italy) 5-8 02/11/23
Grull Ponza Alessio Angeletti Pauper 5° Tappa Lega @ La Tana Terni (Italy) 5-8 02/11/23
Cascade Tron Zeroxceet Peasant Mtg-Peasant - Weekly @ Cockatrice 4 22/10/23
Grull Ponza Alessio Angeletti Pauper 4° Tappa Lega @ La Tana Terni (Italy) 5-8 19/10/23
Gruul Mid LL Lauro Lemos Pauper 1k @ Lotusgames (Ourinhos, Brasil) 5-8 14/10/23
Gruul Land Loss Angelo Mtg Pauper Lega Genova - Season 1 2023 - Tappa 7 @ Zughemmo (genova, Italy) 2 08/10/23
Walls Tom Stevens Pauper Northern Open @ UK 2 08/10/23
Jund Mario Giuliano Pauper Lega - Season 1 2023 - Tappa 5 @ Leclab (Genova , italy) 3-4 28/09/23
Walls Tolarian_aprendice Pauper Tropical 150 5-8 16/09/23
Walls Tolarian_aprendice Pauper Fuguete Champ 151 5-8 11/09/23
Mono Green Aggro Ray_penber Pauper Tropical 148 5-8 02/09/23
Gr Jankies Edward Tiongson Pauper Sunday League @ Neutral Grounds (Quezon City, Philippines) 5 20/08/23
Rogue Warrior Ward Son Pauper Event @ Neutral Grounds (Ayala Mall Vertis North, Quezon City, Philippines) 5-8 13/08/23
Jundonzanonza Jmpoupart Pauper Monthly Tournament #29 @ Paper Pauper Magic Discord 5-8 31/07/23
Jund Nyx Hulbert Pauper PGP @ Patriot Games (Sheffield, UK) 1 23/07/23
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