netdecking with the stars
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260 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Kozilek, the Great Distortion Randy Mestiola cEDH Sunday $100 Multi EDH @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 2 25/08/24
Kozilek, the Great Distortion Randy Mestiola cEDH Sunday $100 Multi EDH @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 2 25/08/24
Mono Black Control osmanozguney Modern MTGO League 7 02/12/23
Mono Black Control osmanozguney Modern MTGO Challenge 12 05/08/23
UrzaTron Furuse Noriaki Modern Point Event @ Hareruya (Japan) 5-8 11/06/23
Mono Black Control osmanozguney Modern MTGO Challenge 7 07/05/23
Mono Black Control osmanozguney Modern MTGO League 8 11/04/23
UrzaTron guildpact1 Modern MTGO League 5 21/03/23
Mono Black Control George White Modern RCQ @ CM Games (Maryville, TN) 3-4 09/01/23
Mono Black Control osmanozguney Modern MTGO League 7 23/12/22
Mono Black Control osmanozguney Modern MTGO League 2 15/11/22
Mono Black Control osmanozguney Modern MTGO Preliminary 7 07/11/22
UrzaTron Kanaura Fuyuki Modern The Last Sun 2022 Qualifier @ Hareruya (Japan) 1 09/10/22
UrzaTron perret Modern MTGO Preliminary 5 17/08/22
Mono-black Coffers Devin Moon Modern RCQ @ Gamer Oasis (Front Royal, Virginia) 5-8 13/08/22
UrzaTron perret Modern MTGO Preliminary 3 12/08/22
Zoid Coffers Jonathan Maples Modern RCQ & 1K @ Boardwalk Games (Texas) 3-4 02/07/22
Mono Black Control osmanozguney Modern MTGO Challenge 3 05/06/22
Tasigur, the Golden Fang Joseph Previti cEDH Reserve list Series @ Rip N Ship Gaming (Long Island, NY) 5-8 27/03/22
Daretti, Scrap Savant QuantumEraser MTGO Commander MTGO Competitive Commander League 3 12/08/18
Nissa, Vastwood Seer Roberto Feres MTGO Commander Liga Commander Imperial @ElderDragon (Petrópolis, Brazil) 2 09/02/18
Prossh, Skyraider Of Kher João Cardoso MTGO Commander Liga Commander Imperial @ElderDragon (Petrópolis, Brazil) 1 26/01/18
Narset Jérôme Paulet Duel Commander Trial Zap Quartier Geek 5-8 12/11/17
Selvala, Heart of the Wilds hetare_ane MTGO Commander MTGO Commander (1 v 1) Challenge 12 15/10/17
Keranos, God Of Storms Jonathan Beer MTGO Commander MTGO Commander FNM @ Elder Dragon (Petrópolis-Brasil) 1 13/10/17
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