netdecking with the stars
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266 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Otharri, Suns' Glory Pol Guillén cEDH Commander Budget @ Magic Barcelona (Barcelona) 5-8 10/03/25
Greymond, Avacyn's Stalwart Gary Liu cEDH Mana Games Commander League - Winter @ Mana Games Café (Lincoln, NE) 2 17/02/25
Bright-Palm, Soul Awakener Gustavo Dias Gonçalves cEDH Liga Online - Etapa 01 @ Spelltable 5-8 09/02/25
Anim Pakal, Thousandth Moon Roger Jerez Almirall cEDH Commander Budget @ Magic Barcelona 5-8 27/01/25
Rocco, Street Chef Tomás Montero cEDH Portal Navideño - Torneo Dicespell - Commander Budget 150 Usd @ Santiago (Chile) 3-4 07/12/24
Helga, Skittish Seer Jorge Goitia cEDH $100 MultiEDH @ PlayCafe (Taguig, Philippines) 3 01/09/24
Mono White Travis Wilcoxon Canadian Highlander OCM Collectibles Win-a-Dual 8 @ Game Kastle (Ankeny, IA) 3-4 25/05/24
Shalai and Hallar Mark Zapanta cEDH $100 Multi EDH @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 3 13/01/24
Heliod Life Kuwahara Kensuke Modern Force of Will Contest @ TC (Osaka, Japan) 5-8 13/01/24
Heliod Life AlexanderRosdahl Modern MTGO Preliminary 13 10/01/24
Gw Heliod James Garcia Modern RCQ @ Game Haven 1 10/12/23
Yoshi Et Roro Eric Delabrousse Duel Commander Tournois mensuel Abri111/AGA @ Agen (France) 5-8 10/12/23
Heliod Life Jositoshekel Modern MTGO Preliminary 2 07/12/23
Heliod Life Jositoshekel Modern MTGO Preliminary 2 07/12/23
Heliod Life Christopher Calhoun Modern 1-Slot RCQ @ Gamer Oasis (Front Royal, VA ) 3-4 21/10/23
Heliod Beans Nick Fannin Modern Apex Invitational Qualifier @ The Board Room (Hurricane, WV) 5-8 14/10/23
Heliod Life TheManLand Modern MTGO Preliminary 3 10/10/23
Shalai and Hallar Mark Zapanta cEDH $100 Multi EDH Circuit @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 2 08/10/23
Shalai and Hallar Jesus Ortega cEDH Torneo Dicespell - Commander Budget 150 $ @ La Dicefonda (Santiago, Chile) 3-4 23/09/23
Weenie White Travis Wilcoxon Canadian Highlander OCM Collectibles Win-a-Dual V @ Game Kastle (Ankeny, IA) 1 19/08/23
Thalia, Guardian Of Thraben Luigi Marques Duel Commander Regular DC @ Geek Shop (Recife, Brasil) 2 18/07/23
Weenie White Travis Wilcoxon Canadian Highlander OCM Collectibles Win-a-Dual IV @ Game Kastle (Ankeny, IA) 1 20/05/23
Jirina, Dauntless General Victor Burghi Duel Commander 3º 1K DC - Savannah @ Bolovo Games (Santos, Brasil) 1 13/05/23
Jirina, Dauntless General Victor Burghi Duel Commander TNDC "Natl Day to Combat WPH" @ Bolovo Games (Santos, Brasil) 1 02/05/23
Kyler, Sigardian Emissary Joseph Layug cEDH $100 Multi EDH League Trial @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 4 22/04/23
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