netdecking with the stars
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75 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Captain Howler, Sea Scourge Simon Carrié Duel Commander DC @ All4Play (Toulouse, France) 5-8 23/03/25
Sword Coast Sailor + Wilson, Refined Grizzly Václav Peltan Duel Commander Prague DC Series - March @ The Grail (Prague, Czech Republic) 4 22/03/25
Basim Ibn Ishaq Baptiste Guilmin Duel Commander Horizons du DC (ACR>DFT) @ Le Cerf Ludique (Rambouillet, France) 1 21/03/25
Dimir Aggro nikkuniku Pioneer MTGO League 8 12/03/25
Jeskai Oculus Pavlo Biletskyi Standard Aetherdrift Store Championship @ MagicWorld Podil (Kyiv, Ukraine) 3-4 09/03/25
Soul Cauldron Arcanis Combo Austin Deceder Standard 1-Slot RCQ @ Mayhem Comics (Ames, IA) 3-4 08/03/25
UR Aggro Alexon1000 Standard Rapsolo's Arena Tournament 1 04/03/25
Arcanis Soul Cauldron Austin Deceder Standard RCQ #3 @ Leaf Green Gaming (Mason City, IA) 2 02/03/25
Jeskai Aggro Ishii Hiroyuki Standard Rumble @ Yokohama (Japan) 1 23/02/25
Azorius Aggro TheSlickshotGang Standard MTGO Challenge 32 5-8 21/02/25
Dimir Skeletons Kc Webster Standard Simply Sweet RCQ @ Shenanigans Gaming (San Antonio, TX) 1 16/02/25
Azorius Aggro Zer0 Standard Rapsolo's Arena Tournament - 5-8 11/02/25
Wilson Refined Grizzly + Sword Coast Sailor Dimitri Cosma Duel Commander Duel Commander Challenge @ Magicplanet MTG (Piacenza, Italy) 6 09/02/25
Azorius Aggro MCM93 Standard MTGO League 1 09/02/25
Azorius Aggro MCM93 Standard MTGO League 4 05/02/25
Azorius Aggro _PJ_ Standard MTGO Challenge 32 13 01/02/25
Azorius Aggro _PJ_ Standard MTGO Challenge 64 15 28/01/25
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Claire Ingoglia cEDH cEDH is Temporary, Diamonds are Forever @ Bufftown Bullies (North Tonawanda, NY) 9-16 25/01/25
Azorius Enchantments Gary C Standard RCQ @ Sandbox (Cork, Ireland) 1 18/01/25
Azorius Aggro Wei Zhen Standard SEA Qualifiers @ Dueller's Point (Singapore) 3-4 18/01/25
Azorius Aggro Matsuo Taichi Standard Champions Cup Premium Qualifier @ Hareruya (Fukuoka, Japan) 5-8 17/01/25
Ug Wilson, Refined Grizzly Edilson Junior Duel Commander Circuito IronCards - 4th ed @ Iron Cards (Brazil) 6 12/01/25
Dimir Aggro Serizawa Shuhei Standard Champions Cup Store Qualifier @ Shibuya (Japan) 5-8 04/01/25
Jeskai Convoke Nikolaus Flamm Standard RCQ @ Rarehuntershop (Schwechat, Austria) 2 04/01/25
Dimir Midrange Jr Bugayong Standard RCQ @ Mug and Magic (Pampanga, Philippines) 5-8 04/01/25
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