netdecking with the stars
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55 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Light-paws, Emperor's Voice Phélicien Duel Commander FNM DC @ Wizards' Club (Montaigu, France) 3-4 28/02/25
Jetmir, Nexus of Revels Mark Mcdonough cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier @ Tri Cities Gaming (Kennewick, WA) 5-8 22/02/25
Light-paws, Emperor's Voice Léo "the Kid" Ravain Duel Commander 8th Lexovian DC @ Lexojeux (Lisieux, France) 2 21/02/25
Light-Paws, Emperor's Voice BJR Duel Commander MTGO League 3 18/02/25
Finneas, Ace Archer Iinuma Atsushi cEDH Daily Tournaments @ Hareruya (Japan) Other 17/02/25
Light-paws, Emperor's Voice Ruelle Benoit Jean Duel Commander Magic O Mont @ Mont Saint Michel (France) 3 16/02/25
Jetmir, Nexus of Revels Dmitrij Krasnoutskij cEDH Ballon Con 4 @ Countdown Spielewelt (Landsberg am Lech, Germany) 3-4 15/02/25
Light-paws, Emperor's Voice Johan Tridiel Duel Commander Le Tord La Goule Tournament 26 @ Basly (France) 1 05/02/25
Arabella Mak Mak Duel Commander Abuela's Blitz Duel @ Muntinlupa (Philippines) 3-4 31/01/25
Arabella, Abandoned Doll Simon CarriÉ Duel Commander Win A Biland @ Fantasy Sphere (Toulouse, France) 2 26/01/25
Mardu Tokens Nsingman Canadian Highlander CMC C1 Cup 5-8 22/01/25
Light-paws, Emperor's Voice Johan Tridiel Duel Commander Le Tord La Goule Tournament 24 @ Basly (France) 1 22/01/25
Light-paws, Emperor's Voice Decks Léo "the Kid" Duel Commander 7th Lexovian DC @ Lexojeux (Lisieux, France) 3-4 10/01/25
Zinnia, Valley's Voice Jeremy Cg cEDH $100 Multi EDH Upkeep Hobbies @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 5 29/12/24
Baylen, the Haymaker Joshua Jauregui cEDH Rocky Mountain Rivals - Winter Series VII @ Grey Lotus Gaming (Sandy, UT) 2 21/12/24
Light-paws, Emperor's Voice Phélicien Soulard Duel Commander DC @ Wizards' Club (Montaigu, France) 1 20/12/24
Light-Paws, Emperor's Voice neijuge Duel Commander MTGO Duel Commander League 8 18/12/24
Light-Paws, Emperor's Voice neijuge Duel Commander MTGO Duel Commander League 1 16/12/24
Marath, Will Of The Wild Jérémy "brise" Leininger Duel Commander 2# Win a biland @ Magic Knight Fr (Strasbourg, France) 5-8 08/12/24
Light-paws, Emperor's Voice Jonathan Gomis Duel Commander Tournoi @ la taverne des enchanteurs (Aix-en-Provence, France) 1 30/11/24
Light-paws, Emperor's Voice Léo "the Kid" Ravain Duel Commander 6th Lexovian DC @ Lexojeux (Lisieux, France) 2 29/11/24
Baylen, the Haymaker Gary Liu cEDH Mana Games Commander League: Fall @ Mana Games Café (Lincoln, NE) 9-16 25/11/24
Lightpaw Julien Rafle Duel Commander Win a Badland @ Ludetopia (Poncin, France) 5-8 24/11/24
Light-paws, Emperor's Voice Helin Li Duel Commander 0425 Cup #2 @ 7 dreams (Shijiazhuang,China) 3 17/11/24
Light-paws, Emperor's Voice Ravin Léo "the Kid" Duel Commander Monthly @ Manafull (Caen, France) 5-8 17/11/24
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