netdecking with the stars
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28 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Hansk, Slayer Zealot Gonzalo De La Fuente cEDH Portal Infinito - Torneo Dicespell - Commander Budget 150 @ Santiago (Chile) 3-4 15/02/25
Ashling the Pilgrim Yvan Tapales cEDH $100 EDH Circuit 2 @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 8 18/02/24
Ashling the Pilgrim Yvan Tapales cEDH $100 Milti cEDH @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 3 20/08/23
Ashling the Pilgrim Yvan Tapales cEDH $100 Multi EDH @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 1 13/08/23
Werewolves Faqo Standard Only Rogue #1 @ Viewer Decks 5-8 19/07/23
Boros Control Skythz Pioneer Royale 190 3-4 07/03/23
Gruul Aggro Tapuck Standard Event @ nothing but land 3-4 29/10/22
Gruul Werewolves Nicholas Riess Standard Dreamhack S2 RCQ @ Isle of Games (Tucson, AZ) 3-4 22/10/22
Gruul Aggro Brainstorm Standard 2Beards 1Cup #2 2 13/10/22
Temur Aggro paka11 Standard MTGO League 5 01/08/22
Boros Aggro Kawada Chihiro Pioneer Rumble @ Hareruya (Japan) 3-4 01/05/22
Tovolar, Dire Overlord Brian Moffatt cEDH SCG CON Pittsburgh - Commander Celebration Package @ Star City Games 8 29/04/22
Gruul Werewolves Shakaan _ Standard Community Turnier @ Vinrael Tournaments 1 26/02/22
Gruul Aggro Matteo Di Crescenzo Standard $500 Cash GGtoor M:TG Arena Duel #7 (FREE!) @ GGtoor 5-8 05/02/22
Gruul Werewolves Mousssine Alchemy Ma Melee Arena Jan#9 @ Lord Hebus Magic 2 30/01/22
Gruul Werewolves Garrett Askin Alchemy Last Chance Qualifier @ DotGG Events 3-4 26/01/22
Gruul Aggro Iizuka Satoru Standard Daily Tournaments @ Hareruya (Japan) 1 24/01/22
Gruul Aggro Mousssine Alchemy Ma Melee Arena Jan#7 @ Lord Hebus Magic 3-4 23/01/22
Red Deck Wins Agentbinky Alchemy Ma Melee Arena Jan#6 @ Lord Hebus Magic 5-8 19/01/22
Tovolar, Dire Overlord Kadono Taisei cEDH Event @ Hareruya (Japan) 6 17/01/22
Tovolar, Dire Overlord Itou Akihiro cEDH Commander Summit @ Hareruya (Japan) 15 10/01/22
Boros Aggro Trail_ku Standard 90th Event @ Friday Asim Magic 1 07/01/22
Red Deck Wins Agentbinky Alchemy Ma Melee Arena Jan#2 @ Lord Hebus Magic 1 05/01/22
Boros Aggro Kawada Chihiro Pioneer Daily Tournaments @ Hareruya (Japan) 1 27/12/21
BR Falkoneye Limited MTGO Sealed VOW Block Super Qualifier 5 27/12/21
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