netdecking with the stars
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785 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Azorius Aggro ajifly Standard MTGO League 8 24/03/25
Azorius Aggro Filippo Zamboni Standard RCQ @ Fire & Dice (Broni, Italy) 3-4 22/03/25
Azorius Aggro Vikash Motwani Standard Card Cache $5k @ Hunter Burton Memorial (Hurst, TX) 9-16 16/03/25
Malcolm, Proie Des Chats Paul "polobref" Claval Duel Commander CATS (CommanderArenaTurboStar) @ Nekohi (Limoges, France) 5-8 16/03/25
Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel Tao Tang Duel Commander Watermelon Champion - 3v3 Cup @ Slow Drake (Beijing, China) 1 15/03/25
Azorius Rea Gonzalez Guillaume Standard RCQ @ Dooz TCG (Strasbourg, France) 2 08/03/25
Azorius Aggro Lorenzo Cristiani Standard RCQ @ Dungeon Street (Pisa, Italy) 1 08/03/25
Uw Oculus Noé Dumez Standard RCQ @ Azcanta Tournaments Cercle de la Cité (Lausanne, Switzerland) 1 02/03/25
Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel Tao Tang Duel Commander Watermelon Champion Cup 58 @ Slow Drake (Beijing, China) 4 01/03/25
Azorius Aggro Phil_emc2 Standard MTGO League 5 25/02/25
Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel Tao Tang Duel Commander Beijing DC Open S3 Finals @ Slow Drake (Beijing, China) 3-4 22/02/25
Azorius Aggro joker10289 Standard MTGO Challenge 32 14 22/02/25
Uw Oculus Thomas Loreth Standard RCQ @ BB-Spiele (Rosenheim, Germany) 5-8 22/02/25
Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel Mattia Gallo Duel Commander Saturday Fight @ The Spire - Codogno (Lodi, Italy) 4 22/02/25
Water Aggro Dawid Megger Pioneer 3city League (DFT#2) -Jankfest @ Side Quest (Gdańsk, Poland) 2 17/02/25
Azorius Aggro planeswalkerzen Standard MTGO Challenge 64 13 17/02/25
Azorius Aggro minimiz Standard MTGO Challenge 64 9 17/02/25
Azorius Aggro caronte1991 Standard MTGO League 2 17/02/25
Azorius Aggro Kimura Shigeki Standard Emperor of Standard Pre-event @ TC (Osaka, Japan) 1 16/02/25
Azorius Aggro Giacomo Marola Standard Lega 2^ Tappa @ Odissea (Vicenza, Italy) 3-4 16/02/25
Esper Aggro rushi_00 Standard MTGO Challenge 32 5-8 15/02/25
Uw Oculus Sean Collins Standard RCQ @ CCGHouse (Vancouver, WA) 1 15/02/25
Azorius Oculus Agustin Anfuso Standard RCQ @ Back to Games (Abu Dhabi) 3-4 15/02/25
Azorius Aggro Nowayh Standard MTGO Challenge 32 10 14/02/25
Veyran, Voice of Duality Guilherme cEDH Semanal @ Arena Geek 3-4 13/02/25
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