netdecking with the stars
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189 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
The Reality Chip Venenzio Viac Duel Commander Festival jeux & cie @ Epinal (France) 1 09/03/25
Sarah Jane Smith + The Fourth Doctor Tyler Duncanson cEDH Event @ Alchemist's Cove (Schuylkill Haven, PA) 2 23/11/24
Kenrith, the Returned King Troy Touchstone cEDH The Boil 2 Redemption @ Charlie's Collectible Show (Stone Mountain, GA) 17-32 10/11/24
Unctus, Grand Metatect Henry cEDH CEDH Event @ ? (?) 5-8 07/07/24
Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain Alice Hickinbottom cEDH cEDH Lisbon Qualifier @ Harlequin Gaming (Preston, UK) 2 06/07/24
The Reality Chip Fabrice *the Reality Chip* Duel Commander Thursday Night Turbo #13 @ France 3-4 16/05/24
Niv-mizzet, Parun Haobo Ma Duel Commander Beijing DC Open S1 LCQ @ Slow Drake (Beijing, China) 5-8 30/03/24
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy Destrogiovanni cEDH Commander Full Power @ Dragons Hohle (México City, México) 3-4 30/03/24
Lonis Cryptozoologist Da Cunha Charles Duel Commander CR Duel Commander Centre @ Bourges (France) 9-16 23/03/24
Lonis, Cryptozoologist Charles Da Cunha Duel Commander Sunday Event @ Carta'Jeu (Lyon, France) 2 10/03/24
The Cyber-Controller Noel Catilo cEDH $100 EDH Circuit 2 @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 4 18/02/24
Niv-mizzet, Parun Ma Haobo Duel Commander Wool Cup 92 Spring Festival @ Kadou (Beijing, China) 5-8 17/02/24
Niv-mizzet, Parun Haobo Ma Duel Commander Watermelon Champion Cup 15 @ Slow Drake (Beijing, China) 2 23/12/23
Saï, Master Thopterist Roch-antoine Lachaîne Duel Commander Duel de commandants #9 @ Jeuxjubes (St-Jérôme, Québec) 2 26/08/23
Lonis, Cryptozoologist Charles Da Cunha Duel Commander Qualifier CDF Duel Commander @ Le Spatioport (Montbrison, France) 3-4 18/06/23
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy Johnathon Barrett cEDH Grand Opening Timetwister Tournament @ Charlie’s Collectible Show (Stone Mountain, GA) 17-32 01/06/23
Emry, Lurker of the Loch Mason Barney cEDH Competitive Commander Tournament @ Laughing Dragon MTG - MXP Oakland Other 01/04/23
Nicol Bolas, the Ravager Joe B cEDH March Sadness @ Game Knight 3-4 18/03/23
Sai, Master Thopterist Kevin Cerato Duel Commander BIG @ L'arcade (Puget Sur Argens, France) 5-8 17/07/22
Sai Dimitri Fichel Duel Commander DC#2 by Initiatives Ludiques @ La Caverne du Jeu (Dunkerque, France) 3-4 10/07/22
Lonis, Cryptozoologue Baptiste Touboulic "pantix" Duel Commander Duel Commander @ Saint Nazaire (France) 2 26/06/22
Sai, Master Thopterist Igor Da Silva Moncks Valério Duel Commander Odysh Bearscape Championship @ Cúpula do Trovão (Pelotas, RS, Brasil) 5 10/05/22
Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain Shade Sechman cEDH SCG CON Pittsburgh - Commander Celebration Package @ Star City Games 8 29/04/22
Breya, Etherium Shaper Ian Parthemer cEDH SCG CON Pittsburgh - Commander Celebration Package @ Star City Games 8 29/04/22
Breya, Etherium Shaper Jonathan Morse cEDH Weekend Commander @ Hareruya (Japan) 4 16/04/22
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