netdecking with the stars
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1738 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Replenish Lucas Cattoni Premodern Liga @ The Old Skull (La Plata, Buenos Aires) 1 23/03/25
Oath of Druids Silvano Scalzo Premodern Liga @ The Old Skull (La Plata, Buenos Aires) 5-8 23/03/25
Oath of Druids Wesal Vintage MTGO Challenge 32 5-8 23/03/25
Oath of Druids Magic_Dads71522 Vintage MTGO League 5 23/03/25
Vorinclex Robert Elias-warren cEDH Curio Cavern's Tavern Brawl cEDH 1k @ Curio Cavern's Tavern (Springfield, VA) 9-16 22/03/25
Oath Of Druids Dennis Tsao Vintage Long Island Vintage Quarterly @ Rip N Ship (Long Island, NY) 3-4 22/03/25
Enchantress Sergio Molero Henares Premodern Mensual Liga @ Granada (Spain) 5-8 22/03/25
Allosaurus Combo Ota Masahito Modern Rumble @ Kawasaki (Japan) 2 22/03/25
5c Donais Angel Premodern VII Lliga Pixavina (Gandia) @ Valencia (Spain) 2 22/03/25
Enchantress Sergio Molero Henares Premodern Andre´s league 10 tappa 5-8 21/03/25
Enchantress Fernando Gonzalez Premodern FNM @ Bazaar of Baghdad (Argentina) 3-4 21/03/25
Oath of Druids Magic_Dads71522 Vintage MTGO Challenge 32 9 21/03/25
Oath of Druids IamActuallyLvL1 Vintage MTGO Challenge 32 12 20/03/25
Rg Oath Burn Henrique Sanchez Premodern Brasília Semanal @ Smash'n Play (Brasília, Brasil) 2 19/03/25
Oath Burn Henrique Sanchez Premodern Semanal @ Brasília (Brazil) 2 19/03/25
Elves Hernan Castillo Premodern FNM @ Bazaar of Baghdad (Argentina) 3-4 14/03/25
Oath of Druids duke12 Vintage MTGO Challenge 32 3-4 14/03/25
Oath of Druids etoustar Vintage MTGO Challenge 32 10 14/03/25
Golgari Coffers Walri Modern MTGO Challenge 64 11 10/03/25
Turboland Wellington Espinetti Premodern Weekly Event @ Loja do Toguro (Santo André, Brazil) 3-4 10/03/25
Oath of Druids Fer_magic Premodern 2025 CPS Monthly League 9-16 09/03/25
Oath of Druids Hisaki Yu Vintage Emperor of Vintage Pre-event @ TC (Osaka, Japan) 3-4 09/03/25
Oath Diego Mariselli Vintage League Senigallia Vintage #7 @ Senigallia (Italy) 1 09/03/25
Elves Philipp Schmidt Premodern 31st Tournament @ Ultra Comix (Nuremberg, Germany) 5-8 08/03/25
Enchantress Eduardo Nóbrega Premodern Litoral Alentejano - Primeira Jornada @ Santiago do Cacem (Portugal) 1 08/03/25
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