netdecking with the stars
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847 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Pdc Gut Black Tom Gruspe Duel Commander S2E14 Pauper DC @ Block 101 ( Philippines) 1 22/02/25
Boros Gut aggro_aaron Commander Pauper [Pauper EDH] Sanctuary Open VIII 3-4 15/02/25
Dargo & Keskit xrlylyl Commander Pauper [Pauper EDH] Sanctuary Open VIII 3-4 15/02/25
Cyber Ninjas Josiah L Pauper Snow-Covered Terror @ Dreamers Vault (Minneapolis, MN) 2 14/12/24
Uw Aggro Bolacha Paulo Henrique Pauper III Super Pauper @ Vini Leite (Juazeiro do Norte, Brazil) 5-8 19/10/24
Grixis Affinity Arizovisk Pauper Fuguete League 188 3-4 28/08/24
Hammer Time mariogomes097 Modern MTGO Preliminary 8 12/12/23
Hammer Time mariogomes097 Modern MTGO Preliminary 7 11/12/23
Gut White Pao Patapat Duel Commander Darren's HBD LCI @ HBK (Antipolo, Philippines) 2 18/11/23
Monog Stompy Giovanni Re Pauper Finals LegaParma @ La Corte di Odino (Parma, Italy) 3-4 04/11/23
Affinity MtendaLion Pauper MTGO Challenge 10 15/10/23
Braids, Cabal Minion Jomar Co Duel Commander Wilds of Eldraine Tourney @ Aling Marings Dojo (Rizal, Philippines) 3 15/10/23
Mono Green Aggro Ray_penber Pauper Tropical 148 5-8 02/09/23
Dargo & Kediss Mini CJ Commander Pauper [Pauper EDH] Sanctuary Open II 1 12/08/23
Affinity _against_ Pauper MTGO Challenge 11 20/05/23
Mono G Stompy Sam Pauper 8° Tappa Lega @ Corte di Odino (Parma, Italy) 2 29/04/23
W Metal Vidaleliasneto Pauper Fuguete League 118 5-8 26/04/23
WW Metal Fred_dettofano Pauper Domingooouuu Event 17 3-4 26/03/23
Weenie White Sh4d0w_w0lf Pauper Fuguete Champ 122 5-8 27/02/23
Mono Green Stompy Matteo Beretta Pauper Lega Genova Season 3 Tappa 14 @ Genova (Italy) 3-4 19/02/23
Mono Green Aggro Matteo Beretta Pauper Sprint Wheel Event - Geddon Series 3 @ Pauperwave (Italy) 5-8 10/01/23
Mono Green Aggro Matteo Beretta Pauper Sprint Wheel Event @ Pauperwave 5-8 13/12/22
Sram, Senior Edificer Js Bourdeau Duel Commander Duel de Commandants #1 @ Boutique Courajeux (Beauharnois, Québec) 2 04/12/22
Green Roger Szczęsny Pauper Mistrzostwa Szczecinka II @ Szczecinek (Poland) 7 12/11/22
Ravenous Affinity Kevin J. Peasant French Cup 2022 @ Clermont-Ferrand (France) 11 05/11/22
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