netdecking with the stars
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203 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle Collindgren cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier - #3 @ Tri Cities Gaming (Kennewick, WA) 2 22/03/25
Monster Tron T1m Pauper Monthly Tournament #48 @ Paper Pauper Magic Discord 3-4 05/03/25
Urzatron Ugt Pauper MTGO League 4 03/03/25
Grixis Control _rash_ Pauper MTGO League 4 16/02/25
Urzatron Michael Purcell Pauper Wageningen Cup Ed.1 @ The Netherlands 2 15/02/25
Monster Tron Cuoqqa Pauper Monthly Tournament #46 @ Paper Pauper Magic Discord 9-16 19/01/25
Arcum Dagsson Marc S. Duel Commander FNM DC BCN @ inGenio (Barcelona) 1 15/11/24
Urzatron Tiagofuguete Pauper Fogo no Parquinho 2 20/10/24
Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle Craig Zimmerman cEDH cEDH 5k @ Sky High Comics Comic & Games (Fort Pierce, FL) 9-16 03/08/24
Urzatron Richar Osegui Pauper Top 8 Final Lega Bilbao – Sping ’24 @ Bilbao Posavasos 3-4 29/05/24
Mono Black control Proscrito Pauper Royale 187 3-4 02/05/24
Monored Tron Christian Witka Pauper LPB 2º Season - 8ª Etapa @ Itajaí (Brazil) 7 24/04/24
Mono Red Tron Kevin Federspiel Pauper Challenge #7 @ Queimada (Montigny-le-Bretonneux, France) 3-4 21/04/24
Delney, Streetwise Lookout Arthas Thunderwrath cEDH $100 Multi EDH Circuit week 9 @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 3 07/04/24
Delney, Streetwise Lookout Arthas Thunderwrath cEDH $100 multi edh circuit week 8 @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 1 31/03/24
Monored Tron Guilherme Machado Pauper LPB 2º Season - 4ª Etapa @ Itajaí (Brazil) 6 27/03/24
Urzatron Fabio Lamberti Pauper Lega Granda - Tappa 19/03/2024 @ Italy 3-4 19/03/24
Jund Miquel Redondo Pauper 13ª Edicion Superpauper @ Ingenio (Barcelona) 9-16 16/03/24
Urzatron Tommaso Divo Pauper Tappa LP Comense Pauperissima "Road to Pisa" @ Magic Akiba (Mariano Comense, Italy) 5-8 13/03/24
Arcum Dagsson David Carbon Duel Commander Nexus DC - Additional Ban @ Muret 5-8 03/03/24
Urzatron Juan Novella Pauper Liga Valencia - Temporada 4 - Jornada 2 @ Valencia (Spain) 5-8 24/02/24
Urzatron Rengaf1988 Pauper Domingooouuu Event 42 3-4 18/02/24
Urzatron Rengaf1988 Pauper Fuguete League - Temporada 15 5-8 18/02/24
Ratchet, Field Medic Arthas cEDH $100 Circuit Trial @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 1 04/02/24
Monored Tron Giuseppe Monfregola Pauper LPCaserta VIII Tappa @ Cerberus Comics & Games (Aversa, Italy) 3-4 31/01/24
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