netdecking with the stars
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1523 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Tayam, Luminous Enigma Daniel Moreira cEDH cEDH Miner's League 2025-01 @ Vault of Cards (Belo Horizonte, Brasil) 6 16/03/25
Grist, Voracious Larva Matthieu "xakuyer" Mizac Duel Commander CR PACA - Mistral by Auro @ Salon de Provence (France) 5-8 15/03/25
Tayam, Luminous Enigma Thomas Aleto cEDH March Event | Dragon Parlor Games 2025 cEDH Season @ Dragon Parlor Games (Spokane Valley, WA) 5-8 15/03/25
Chord Toolbox Thomas Munk Modern Spotlight Series Utrecht - Main Event - Fanfinity @ Utrecht (The Netherlands) 33-64 15/03/25
Chord Toolbox Jacob Hauch Modern Spotlight Series Utrecht - Main Event - Fanfinity @ Utrecht (The Netherlands) 33-64 15/03/25
Saskia the Unyielding Cassidy Nichols Duel Commander Winter Duel League @ End Games (Charlottesville, VA) 5-8 13/03/25
Yannik, Scavenging Sentinel + Nikara, Lair Scavenger Nicholas Reedy cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier - Day 2 @ Fantasticon (Toledo, OH) 5-8 09/03/25
S&s (scamed & Salted) Renaud "butch" Leboucher Duel Commander Magic O Mont @ Mont Saint Michel (France) 9-16 09/03/25
Karador, Ghost Chieftain Andrea Bruna cEDH Meet the monkeys - cEdh Europe Qualifier @ Libreria Moneta (Savona, Italy) 3-4 09/03/25
Nikara, Lair Scavenger + Yannik, Scavenging Sentinel Nicholas Reedy cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier - Day 1 @ Fantasticon (Toledo, OH) 3-4 08/03/25
Dina, Soul Steeper Kevin Silvey cEDH F2F Tour Edmonton - CEDH Provincial Championship @ Canada 9-16 08/03/25
Thrasios, Triton Hero + Ravos, Soultender Yixuan Gao Duel Commander Watermelon Champion Cup 59 @ Slow Drake (Beijing, China) 3 08/03/25
Grist, The Hunger Tide Samuel Poulain Duel Commander CR Bretagne 2025 @ Rennes (France) 9-16 02/03/25
Chatterfang, Squirrel General Ivan Moc cEDH CZ CEDH league vol. 3 (2025) @ Černý rytíř (Praha, Czech Republic) 3-4 02/03/25
Slimefoot And Squee Yann « Zeben » Herpe Duel Commander Emraclette DC #17 "Streamlive" @ Chambéry (France) 3-4 02/03/25
Grist, The Hunger Tide Samuel Poulain Duel Commander CR Languedoc Roussillon @ Gigean (France) 9-16 23/02/25
Thrasios, Triton Hero + Tymna The Weaver Damien Jantzen Duel Commander CR Languedoc Roussillon @ Gigean (France) 9-16 23/02/25
Thalia and The Gitrog Monster Maxwell Hunter cEDH 802cEDH Presents: Frozen Faces of the North @ Vermont Gaming Academy (South Burlington, VT) 9-16 22/02/25
Thrasios, Triton Hero + Ravos, Soultender Yixuan Gao Duel Commander Beijing DC Open S3 Finals @ Slow Drake (Beijing, China) 2 22/02/25
Grist, The Hunger Tide Samuel Poulain Duel Commander C4ST Combo Winter Warm-up @ Gigean (France) 3-4 22/02/25
Grist, The Hunger Tide Naninanoche Duel Commander GoupiDay - Open CDF @ Goupiya (Antony, France) 3-4 22/02/25
Grist, The Hunger Tide Morte Duel Commander Monthly Event @ Nexus (Sueca, Spain) 8 22/02/25
Grist, The Hunger Tide Rado Duel Commander FNM Les K'artonnés @ La Teste de Buch (France) 2 21/02/25
Abzan Aggro EL_Zanetti Modern MTGO League 7 19/02/25
Thrasios, Triton Hero + Ravos, Soultender Yixuan Gao Duel Commander Watermelon Champion Cup Nights @ Slow Drake (Beijing, China) 3 18/02/25
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