netdecking with the stars
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1287 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Experimental Zoo Empanadillahumana Pauper ThePauperBrewSociety #7 2 04/01/25
Questing Beast Jomar Co Duel Commander Manaburn Xmas tourney @ Pugee Pugees Crib (Rizal, Philippines) 1 22/12/24
Mono Green Aggro Gabrods Pauper Pauper Royale 219 5-8 12/12/24
Mono Green Aggro Gabrods Pauper Torneio do Weber 5-8 10/12/24
Mono Green Aggro Gabrods Pauper Fuguete Champ 216 2 09/12/24
Gruul Aggro Arthur Tron Pioneer Ultimate Guard Pioneer Open – Fanfinity @ Lille (France) 33-64 10/11/24
Humans Alessandro Gemelli Pioneer Ultimate Guard Pioneer Open – Fanfinity @ Lille (France) 33-64 10/11/24
Yorvo, Lord Of Garenbrig Ivan Stefanov Duel Commander Fall DC @ Fortress (Novi Sad, Serbia) 3-4 24/10/24
Kutzil, Malamet Exemplar fallenseraphiel Commander Pauper [Pauper EDH] Sanctuary Open VI 3-4 12/10/24
Humans Richard Mackay Pioneer LCQ #6 @ SCG CON Washington DC 3-4 04/10/24
Questing Beast Martin Bautista Duel Commander Monday Night Magic (MNM) Pod 1 @ PlayCafé (Taguig, Philippines) 3 26/08/24
Humans Econ_Neal Pioneer MTGO League 2 14/08/24
Bristly Bill, Spine Sower Marcus "mtg Child Prodigy" Santos Duel Commander 100 kiaw tourney @ Pugee Pugees Crib (Rizal, Philippines) 3 11/08/24
Gruul Aggro Moose666 Pioneer MTGO Challenge 64 5-8 08/08/24
Questing Beast Martin Bautista Duel Commander Monday Night Magic @ PlayCafé (Taguig, Philippines) 7 22/07/24
Humans Johan Ramirez Pioneer RCQ @ Flexo's Games (La Serena, Chile) 3-4 14/07/24
Gruul Aggro Filipe Taginato Pioneer 5º Torneio da Liga de Volta Redonda @ Volta Redonda (Brazil) 2 09/06/24
Five Color Humans Neal Brown Pioneer RCQ @ Mox Boarding House (Seattle, WA) 3-4 27/05/24
Humans Isael Pioneer MTGO Challenge 64 14 20/05/24
Selesnya Aggro AlfricGames Pioneer MTGO League 6 20/05/24
Humans James Wong Pioneer SEA Qualifiers @ Dueller's Point (Singapore) 5-8 18/05/24
Selesnya Aggro thatguycurt Pioneer MTGO Preliminary 3 15/05/24
Indoraptor, The Perfect Hybrid Maxime Vysniauskas Duel Commander Festival Magic MTL Special @ Hôtel Sandman (Longueuil, Québec) 3-4 20/04/24
Indoraptor, The Perfect Hybrid Eddie Becker Duel Commander DC @ Le Conseil Des Licornes (Bourges, France) 1 07/04/24
Monogreen Stompy Guilherme Machado Pauper LPB 2º Season - 5ª Etapa @ Itajaí (Brazil) 2 03/04/24
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