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1378 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Eldrazi Ramp Darkest_before_dawn Modern MTGO League 4 26/03/25
Eldrazi Ramp alexeezayyy Modern MTGO Challenge 64 13 24/03/25
Flubs, the Fool Brent Anderson cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier - #2 @ Couple of Mana Dorks (Dalton, GA) 3-4 22/03/25
Godo, Bandit Warlord Tony Stevenson cEDH Curio Cavern's Tavern Brawl cEDH 1k @ Curio Cavern's Tavern (Springfield, VA) 9-16 22/03/25
K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth Kian Pour cEDH DomsDay Fulda cEDH Turnier - cEDH Deutschland @ Fulda (Germany) 9-16 22/03/25
Eldrazi Ramp Retrisma Modern MTGO Challenge 32 3-4 22/03/25
Eldrazi Ramp MLGSKELETONS Modern MTGO Showcase Challenge 11 22/03/25
Nezahal, Primal Tide Tim Mollenhauer cEDH Commandergeddon 7 @ Irresistible Force Logan (Australia) 5-8 21/03/25
Eldrazi Ramp alexeezayyy Modern MTGO Challenge 64 14 19/03/25
Godo, Bandit Warlord Tim Hout cEDH Oahu Commander Invitational Qualifier @ IWinGames (Waipahu, HI) 3-4 17/03/25
Ratadrabik of Urborg Mike X cEDH Bracket 3 Commander Tourney @ Dumpster Cat Games (Minneapolis, MN) 3-4 16/03/25
Poison Storm CosmicCharles Pauper MTGO League 1 16/03/25
Captain N'ghathrod Víctor Pérez Villacreces cEDH Commander Party @ Magic Barcelona (Barcelona) 2 15/03/25
Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain Tim Sussino cEDH Crimson Lion Games Presents Commander Showdown XXVIII @ Hunter Burton Memorial (Hurst, TX) 17-32 15/03/25
Jacob Hauken, Inspector Jan Brabec cEDH King of the Hill 02 @ Mladá Boleslav (Czech Republic) 5-8 15/03/25
Poison Storm Abel Luna Pauper Liga Gallega Percalandia @ Percalandia (Pontevedra, Spain) 5 15/03/25
Eldrazi Ramp __palem__ Modern MTGO League 6 14/03/25
Urza, Lord High Artificer David Hay cEDH Electric Tuesdays @ Philly CEDH Server 3-4 12/03/25
Eldrazi Ramp medvedev Modern MTGO Challenge 64 16 12/03/25
Eldrazi Ramp _Tia93_ Modern MTGO Challenge 64 3-4 12/03/25
Eldrazi Ramp LucasG1ggs Modern MTGO Challenge 64 5-8 11/03/25
K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth Joe Ross cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier - Day 2 @ Fantasticon (Toledo, OH) 3-4 09/03/25
Karn, Silver Golem Brian Vaughn cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier - #2 @ Round Table Games (Lawton, OK) 2 08/03/25
K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth Joe Ross cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier - Day 1 @ Fantasticon (Toledo, OH) 5-8 08/03/25
Urza, Lord High Artificer Madan Estrada cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier - Day 1 @ Fantasticon (Toledo, OH) 5-8 08/03/25
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