netdecking with the stars
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69 decks matching
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Narset, Enlightened Master Kristofer Vaughn cEDH Oahu Commander Invitational Qualifier Season 3 W4 @ IWinGames (Waipahu, HI) 5-8 24/03/25
Narset, Enlightened Master Kristofer Vaughn cEDH Oahu Commander Invitational Qualifier @ IWinGames (Waipahu, HI) 5-8 17/02/25
Narset, Enlightened Master Kristofer Vaughn cEDH Oahu Commander Invitational Qualifier @ IWinGames (Waipahu, HI) 5-8 10/02/25
Ivy, Gleeful Spellthief Victor cEDH 2° La Facción - Budget $200 @ Los Ángeles (Chile) 8 14/01/25
Winter, Cynical Opportunist Piem cEDH $100 Multi EDH Upkeep Hobbies @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 8 29/12/24
Ulalek, Fused Atrocity Riddenn cEDH 4º Aniversario @ TCG Wolf (México) 5-8 05/10/24
Azusa, Est Garée Mais Enquête ">Max "" Duel Commander 3rd Lexovian DC @ Lexojeux (Lisieux, France) 2 23/02/24
Tuvasa the Sunlit Abelknox cEDH cEDH $5K Commander Celebration Package @ SCG CON Cincinnati 32 06/01/24
Tuvasa the Sunlit Raúl Muñoz cEDH 3er Torneo @ Clasificatorio Circuito Nacional EDH Landfall TV (Santiago, Chile) 5-8 29/10/23
Rayne, Academy Chancellor cEDH Event @ Hareruya (Japan) Other 24/07/23
Winota Auratouched Aggro Austin Deceder Modern 1K @ The Geekery 1 02/07/22
Ulamog Charles Dupont Duel Commander Duelcommander Wars @ Libourne (France) 5-8 10/04/22
Narset, Enlightened Master William Ashley cEDH Reserve list Series @ Rip N Ship Gaming (Long Island, NY) 9-16 27/03/22
Narset, Enlightened Master Jakub Pilc cEDH cEDH Poděbrady @ Poděbrady CZE 1 05/02/22
Storm Herald Natsuki Nakagawa Modern Force of Negation Contention @ Hareruya (Japan) 5-8 03/01/22
Cromat David Le Moullec Duel Commander Duel @ Sortilèges (Vannes, France) 3-4 20/10/20
Uril Jackson Moore Duel Commander Fantasy 20 PV 3-4 06/11/16
Narset, Enlightened Master Tomas Medina Duel Commander Clash of Commander Titans 11 (Temuco, Chile) [30HP] 1 30/10/16
Eldrazi Timo Jünemann Modern GPT Bologna - Hannover 5-8 13/02/16
Eldrazi Control xthebloodyninex Modern MTGO Modern Constructed League 6 24/12/15
UB Eldrazi Kumazemi Modern MTGO Modern Constructed League 1 20/12/15
Battle of Wits ! MattiasNL Modern MTGO Modern Daily (#7620600) 5 04/11/14
Geist of Saint Traft Armel Richard Duel Commander EDH Sud-Est (Valence) 3-4 08/12/13
Bant Aid Björn Ortmann Highlander Highlander Grand Prix X (Maintal) 2 14/04/12
Bant Conscription Jake Miller Modern PTQ Barcelona (Standish, Maine) 2 03/03/12
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