netdecking with the stars
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628 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Spamlee cEDH Brewers' Masters II - $200 Budget Commander Tournament @ Singapore 2 15/12/24
Yuriko, The Tiger's Shadow Jianian Wang Duel Commander Watermelon Cup All Commanders @ Slow Drake (Beijing, China) 3-4 14/12/24
Food Chain Shimicorn Legacy The 127th Legacy at Home @ Massan's Anything Broadcasting Station (Tokyo, Japan) 3-4 26/10/24
Ulalek, Fused Atrocity Riddenn cEDH 4º Aniversario @ TCG Wolf (México) 5-8 05/10/24
Jyoti, Moag Ancient Nuttawut Nana Duel Commander Draw7 Masters - Open series #6 @ Thailand 8 13/07/24
Animar, Soul of Elements Garret Gaa cEDH $100 multi edh circuit week6 @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 2 17/03/24
Imoti, Celebrant of Bounty Jose Raymi cEDH EDH 100$ Tournament 5-8 02/03/24
Quintorius HEROtsukai Pioneer MTGO League 7 23/02/24
Izzet Control bowie21 Pioneer MTGO Challenge 64 5-8 17/02/24
Affinity IzzetSignetIsTheBest Modern MTGO League 4 14/02/24
UR Aggro Miyata Kentarou Pioneer Daily Tournaments @ Hareruya (Japan) 1 22/01/24
Cascade Bean Robert Underwood Modern Premium RCQ @ CM Games Cedar Bluff (Knoxville, TN) 3-4 05/12/23
Cascade Beanstalk Jordan Jones Modern Premium RCQ @ CM Games Cedar Bluff (Knoxville, TN) 5-8 05/12/23
Cascade Beanstalk Marinko Pavic Modern RCQ @ Ogre's Den Gaming Club (Calgary, Canada) 2 03/12/23
4c Bean Cascade Paul Tracy Modern RCQ @ Tournament City Games (Frederick, MD) 5-8 02/12/23
Geological Appraiser HEROtsukai Pioneer MTGO Last Chance 9 27/11/23
Cascade Beanstalk Gboscolo Modern RCQ @ Mont CardShop (Campinas, Brasil) 5-8 26/11/23
Cascade Beanstalk Sheffielddeckwins Modern MTGO League 5 21/11/23
Cascade Beans Evan Csont Modern RCQ Ghent @ Jeux Barjo (Libourne, France) 5-8 20/11/23
4c Omnath Cascade Marius Knüttel Modern Bottrop Series @ Bottrop (Germany) 6 19/11/23
Cascade Bean Jelmer Koopmans Modern Eternal Weekend Europe - Main Event @ J.K. Entertainment GmbH (Praha, Czech Republic) 17-32 19/11/23
Cascade Beanstalk YungDingo Modern MTGO Preliminary 4 08/11/23
Cascade Beanstalk Jacob Durish Modern RCQ @ Dice City Games (Silver Spring, MD) 5-8 05/11/23
Cascade Beanstalk Chase Masters Modern RCQ @ Dice City Games (Silver Spring, MD) 2 05/11/23
Beanstalk Elementals Peter Wiener Modern WPN Qualifier @ Hive Games (Klagenfurt, Austria) 5-8 05/11/23
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