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2234 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Thrasios + Tymna Colton Aldridge cEDH Oahu Commander Invitational Qualifier @ IWinGames (Waipahu, HI) 2 17/03/25
Thrasios + Tymna Gladston Borges cEDH cEDH Miner's League 2025-01 @ Vault of Cards (Belo Horizonte, Brasil) 1 16/03/25
Old Stickfingers Daniel Araújo cEDH cEDH Miner's League 2025-01 @ Vault of Cards (Belo Horizonte, Brasil) 6 16/03/25
Thrasios + Tymna Matheus Morato cEDH cEDH Miner's League 2025-01 @ Vault of Cards (Belo Horizonte, Brasil) 10 16/03/25
Thrasios + Francisco, Fowl Marauder Russell Wilder cEDH NJ CEDH Low-Stakes @ Retro Lotus (Somerville, NJ) 3-4 16/03/25
Devotion to Simic Skyraven Pioneer Open @ Moscow (Russia) 2 16/03/25
Esika, God of the Tree Fran González cEDH Spanish Community Open @ Spain 1 16/03/25
Tevesh Szat + Thrasios Alistair Jardine cEDH Venture Into The Tomb cEDH @ Beyond Odyssey (Balcatta, Australia) 3-4 16/03/25
Najeela, the Blade-Blossom Konrad Bierlein cEDH Alpine Apex - cEDH @ BB-Spiele (Rosenheim, Deutschland) 9-16 15/03/25
Thrasios + Tymna Markus Schran cEDH Alpine Apex - cEDH @ BB-Spiele (Rosenheim, Deutschland) 9-16 15/03/25
Tymna + Halana, Kessig Ranger Niall Kelly cEDH cEDH @ Alchemist's Cove (Schuylkill Haven, PA) 2 15/03/25
Glarb, Calamity's Augur David Wilson cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier @ The Battlegrounds Games & Comics (Dalton, GA) 3-4 15/03/25
Tiamat Jan Klein cEDH Competitive Kaiju cEDH Tournament @ Kaiju Cards (Trier, Germany) 5-8 15/03/25
Winter, Cynical Opportunist Tamanoix Duel Commander CR PACA - Mistral by Auro @ Salon de Provence (France) 9-16 15/03/25
Glarb, Calamity's Augur Ian Flannery cEDH Crimson Lion Games Presents Commander Showdown XXVIII @ Hunter Burton Memorial (Hurst, TX) 3-4 15/03/25
Glarb, Calamity's Augur Dustin Williams cEDH Crimson Lion Games Presents Commander Showdown XXVIII @ Hunter Burton Memorial (Hurst, TX) 17-32 15/03/25
Esika, God of the Tree Jonathon Foster cEDH Crimson Lion Games Presents Commander Showdown XXVIII @ Hunter Burton Memorial (Hurst, TX) 17-32 15/03/25
Thrasios + Tymna Petr Kučera cEDH King of the Hill 02 @ Mladá Boleslav (Czech Republic) 3-4 15/03/25
Thrasios + Tymna Ondra Zbořil cEDH King of the Hill 02 @ Mladá Boleslav (Czech Republic) 5-8 15/03/25
Korvold, Fae-Cursed King Karel Kopáček cEDH King of the Hill 02 @ Mladá Boleslav (Czech Republic) 5-8 15/03/25
Tymna + Thrasios Russell Slack cEDH MBG Cash Event @ Mother's Basement Games (Howell, MI) 5-8 15/03/25
The Gitrog Monster Sean Kliman cEDH SeaToSky MTG cEDH - March Mayhem @ Squamish (Canada) 5-8 15/03/25
Yawgmoth Gabriel Saba Modern South American Magic Series - Regional Championship - Magicsur Chile @ Santiago (Chile) 9-16 15/03/25
Mono Black Aggro Tobias Najmann Modern Spotlight Series Utrecht - Main Event - Fanfinity @ Utrecht (The Netherlands) 33-64 15/03/25
Tymna + Halana, Kessig Ranger Drake Turner cEDH The Top Deckers Present: Casino Royale @ Maverick's Cards and Hobbies (Mason, OH) 3-4 15/03/25
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