netdecking with the stars
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24 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Grist Tom Dydik Duel Commander Tournoi Duel Commander @ Artefacts (Bordeaux, France) 5-8 23/02/25
Balthor the Defiled Fynn De Haan cEDH HPC 2025 - Januar - @ Deutschland 1 25/01/25
Meren of Clan Nel Toth Manuel Gomes Viloria cEDH Commander Budget End of the year Edition @ Magic Barcelona 9-16 27/12/24
Demonlord Belzenlok James Mcpherson cEDH October cEDH - Tees Valley MTG @ People's Meeples (Hartlepool, UK) 5-8 20/10/24
Demonlord Belzenlok Randy Mestiola cEDH $100 Multiplayer @ TriCs Circle of Hobbies (Parañaque, Philippines) 1 29/07/23
Syr Konrad, the Grim Fletch Scherman cEDH Commander Celebration Package @ SCG CON Dallas 8 08/04/22
Balthor the Defiled Yoshida Yuuto cEDH Gachicoma! The merciless commander @ Hareruya (Japan) 4 05/02/22
Balthor the Defiled Fujisawa Suguru cEDH The best Commander competition @ Hareruya (Japan) 2 25/12/21
Iname, Death Aspect Tanabe Kazuya cEDH Commander Night @ Hareruya (Japan) 2 18/12/21
Balthor the Defiled Yoshida Yuto cEDH Commander Night @ Hareruya (Japan) 7 11/12/21
Iname, Death Aspect Tanabe Kazuya cEDH Commander Night @ Hareruya (Japan) 5 04/12/21
Yawgmoth, Thran Physician Kousokabe Fukuo cEDH Commander Summit @ Hareruya (Japan) 20 03/11/21
Isareth Mbg Mike Duel Commander "We cannot go to the ZAP!" @ Saint Ouen de Thouberville 1 22/10/18
Teysa, Orzhov Scion Fabien Pagnard Duel Commander Duel Commander (Châteauroux) 3-4 28/09/14
Iname, Death Aspect Jochem van 't Hull Duel Commander Moenen en Mariken (Nijmegen, Netherlands) 3-4 22/03/14
Iname, Death Aspect "Moondust" Duel Commander Bazaar of Legends (Paris) 1 16/02/14
Iname, Death Aspect Randolph de Rueda – Chopsuey Duel Commander Manila Duel Commander November 2013 (Quezon City, Philippines) 5-8 17/11/13
Iname, Death Aspect Ronald Cruz – Team Derp Duel Commander Manila Duel Commander August 2013 (Quezon City, Philippines) 3-4 18/08/13
Iname, Death Aspect Mik Regalado – Team Derp Derp Spirits Duel Commander Manila Duel Commander June 2013 (Quezon City, Philippines) 1 16/06/13
Iname, Death Aspect "Evergreen" Duel Commander Tournoi Cockatrice MTGSalvation 2 18/04/13
Iname, Death Aspect Ronald Cruz Duel Commander Manila Duel Commander August 2012 (Quezon City, Philippines) 5-8 19/08/12
Iname, Death Aspect Ronald Cruz Duel Commander Manila Duel Commander July 2012 (Quezon City, Philippines) 4 15/07/12
Iname, Death Aspect Eric Guillet Duel Commander EDH (Saint-Nazaire) 8 01/04/12
Iname, Death Aspect Evergreen Duel Commander Cockatrice EDH Tournament 3-4 22/11/11
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