netdecking with the stars
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80 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
LLL Rafael Alenca Premodern Weekly Event @ Loja do Toguro (Santo André, Brazil) 5-8 10/03/25
Legion Land Loss Jesús Ruiz Premodern 1 Jornada de la III Agroliga @ Juegos de Mesa 3-4 08/02/25
Oath of Druids Tomas Salas Premodern VII Liga Madrileña - Jornada 2 @ Madrid (Spain) 9-16 05/10/24
GR Ponza Paulo Grandi Premodern Hortelã League 5-8 24/08/24
LLL José Luis Soto Premodern Chile Premier League - April 2024 @ Chile 5-8 30/04/24
Terravore LL Jonathan Montes Premodern FNM @ Bazaar of Bagdad (Buenos Aires, Argentina) 3-4 29/09/23
Jund Land Loss Ernesto Carrasco Premodern OrthodoxCon 5-8 22/07/23
LLL Jaume Palacios Cabrera Premodern Technoliga Valenciana @ Valencia (Spain) 3-4 22/07/23
LLL Geoff Matteson Premodern OS Spring Season Playoffs @ Philadelphia 3-4 30/06/23
LLL Diego Pose Premodern Argentog - FtogNM 2 19/06/23
Oath of Druids Juan Pablo Compeano Premodern Event @ Magic Lair (Buenos Aires, Argentina) 2 13/05/23
Oath of Druids Daniel Rodriguez Premodern V Liga Madrileña - 3 Jornada @ Madrid (Spain) 3-4 19/11/22
LLL Mathew Dureden Premodern Facebook Italia: 6° Discord Turnament 3-4 06/10/22
Oath of Druids Tvtyrant Premodern September Semimonthly #2 @ The Magic Online Society 3-4 01/10/22
LLL Agus Arbol Premodern LCOS 3-4 25/09/22
Oath of Druids Tvtyrant Premodern September Semimonthly #1 @ The Magic Online Society 3-4 18/09/22
LLL Gabriel Farkas Premodern Online Monthly 9-16 31/07/22
Skullbriar, The Walking Grave Matheus Brito Duel Commander [RC] 10º Torneio Cachu @ Cahoeiro-ES (Brasil) 3-4 09/07/22
LLL Oier Ibarra Premodern Technoliga Valenciana @ Valencie (Spain) 3-4 02/07/22
Gruul Land Loss Benitron Premodern 1º liga PNG - 8ª Jornada 1 06/02/22
LLL Flint Espil Premodern Fall Brawl 5-8 31/10/21
Temur Aggro robedarcourt Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 8 10/09/18
Nissa, Vastwood Seer Roberto Feres MTGO Commander Liga Commander Imperial @ElderDragon (Petrópolis, Brazil) 2 09/02/18
Sultai Midrange Aziz Rhipat Standard Nationals - Indonesia 2017 5-8 16/09/17
Gruul Aggro Vincent Malenfer-laurenziani Standard PPTQ Waaagh Taverne 3-4 18/06/17
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