netdecking with the stars
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40 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Michael Preysler cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier @ Gamers Paradise (Baton Rouge, LA) 5-8 02/03/25
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Will Mcgirl cEDH cEDH Event @ The Card Nest (Kenilworth, NJ) 5-8 01/03/25
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Nick Novak cEDH Eldritch Madness Golden 3K @ The Eldritch Bastion (Ashland, OH) 5-8 01/03/25
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Nelson Simbajon cEDH Oahu Commander Invitational Qualifier @ IWinGames (Waipahu, HI) 5-8 17/02/25
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Nelson Simbajon cEDH Oahu Commander Invitational Qualifier @ IWinGames (Waipahu, HI) 5-8 10/02/25
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Jon Kennedy cEDH February cEDH Showdown @ Better Plays Gaming (Stow, OH) 3-4 08/02/25
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Nick Novak cEDH February cEDH Showdown @ Better Plays Gaming (Stow, OH) 5-8 08/02/25
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Nelson Simbajon cEDH Oahu Commander Invitational Qualifier @ IWinGames (Waipahu, HI) 5-8 27/01/25
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Spamlee cEDH Brewers' Masters II - $200 Budget Commander Tournament @ Singapore 2 15/12/24
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Mark Cline cEDH Last Commander Standing #19 - Last Commander Standing @ Top Tier Bangers (Discord / spell table) 5-8 10/12/24
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Nathan Camilleri cEDH Commander Tournament - Salt Level 7 @ Connecticlub Coworking & Cultural Centre (Mosta, Malta) 1 23/11/24
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Josh Meints cEDH The Second Tough Mulligans 500 9-16 16/11/24
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Jon Kennedy cEDH The Boil 2 - cEDH 10k @ Charlie's Collectible Show (Stone Mountain, GA) 33-64 09/11/24
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Jet Matteson cEDH Battle in Butler! 1k cEDH Tournament @ Evolution Gaming (Butler, WI) 3-4 26/10/24
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Benedikt Rieger cEDH Ballon Con 3 @ Countdown Spielewelt (Landsberg am Lech, Germany) 17-32 28/09/24
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Simon Champagne cEDH Tournoi cEDH mensuel @ L'Expédition (Montréal, Québec) 2 04/08/24
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Tom cEDH cEDH @ Dragon Vault Games (Newport, UK) 5-8 13/07/24
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Christopher Alvarez cEDH Win a Volcanic Island (Summer 2024) @ Bufftown Bullies (Buffalo, NY) 9-16 06/07/24
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Leon Schilling cEDH Jeweled Lotus Lattenkamp 2 15/06/24
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Kohei Ando-mizuno cEDH FREE Dual Land (Savannah) cEDH Tournament @ Sword in the Stone LLC (Wilkes-Barre Twp, PA) 5-8 25/05/24
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Jon Kennedy cEDH Punt City 3 @ Phoenixville (PA) 33-64 06/04/24
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Jon Kennedy cEDH Culling of the Weak @ @ Maverick's Cards & Hobbies (Mason, OH) 9-16 30/03/24
Dimir Aggro Cela001 Standard Preliminary Day1 @ Zombie_D (Japan) 3-4 01/03/24
Ninja Josh Kindberg Legacy North America Legacy Champs @ Card Titan (Pittsburgh, PA) 33-64 09/12/23
Ninja Gustavo Henrique Legacy Eternal Challenge #22 @ Brasilia (Brazil) 5-8 03/12/23
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