netdecking with the stars
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160 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Voja, Jaws of the Conclave Ray Leow cEDH Brewers' Masters IV - $200 Budget Commander Tournament @ Cardboard Crack Games (Singapour) 5-8 22/02/25
Klothys, God Of Destiny Roman Vejdelek Duel Commander Store Championship @ UNTAP (Hradec Kralove, CZE) 5-8 27/12/24
Tymna + Kodama of the East Tree Anthony (nybar) cEDH Battle on the Brazos II! @ Nexus Tcg (Waco, TX) 5-8 07/12/24
Voja, Jaws of the Conclave Tyler6517 cEDH Commander Showdown II @ The Shop Collectibles LLC (Crown Point, IN) 1 26/10/24
Voja, Jaws of the Conclave Sjoerd Bosman cEDH Lucky Top Deck Series 7 @ The Boardroom (Haarlem, Netherlands) 9-16 05/10/24
Hajar, Loyal Bodyguard Vitg1 Duel Commander Duel Commander @ Shandalar (Porto Alegre, Brazil) 3-4 07/09/24
Voja, Jaws of the Conclave Nathan Einam cEDH Millennium Commander Royale @ Millennium Comics and Collectables (Rockhampton City Australia) 9-16 07/09/24
Tovolar, Dire Overlord Riley Powell cEDH Win an Unlimited Badlands @ Final Boss Games (Springdale, AR) 1 29/06/24
Golgari Aggro Jaffer Standard DH DAL Fr LCQ #17 @ DreamHack Magic 5-8 31/05/24
Polukranos Reborn Juanantonio Agoncillo Duel Commander Mana Underground's Subok Lang @ Parañaque (Philippines) 9-16 26/05/24
Loot, The Key To Everything Prunelier Duel Commander Thursday Night turbo #14 @ France 2 23/05/24
Golgari Midrange Triggrhappy0 Pioneer CMC P11 Cup 3-4 08/05/24
Devotion to Green Kasagawa Yosuke Pioneer Rumble @ Shibuya (Japan) 3-4 13/04/24
Mono Green Stomp Artur Zentarski Pioneer 3City League (MKM) #9 @ SideQuest (Gdańsk, Poland) 4 08/04/24
Abzan Aggro Stephen Mahoney Canadian Highlander OCM Collectibles Win-a-Dual 7 @ Game Kastle (Ankeny, IA) 5-8 23/03/24
Polukranos Reborn Felipe Agoncillo Duel Commander Shoturday Night Magic @ HBK (Antipolo, Philippines) 1 17/02/24
Ikra/tevesh Josh Fuentes Duel Commander Win a Tropical Island @ Mana Underground (Lagro, Philippines) 3 02/02/24
Naya Control DeviousPenguin666 Standard MTGO League 6 04/12/23
Arwen, Mortal Queen Marvin Liozu Duel Commander Big DC : Best in Town! @ Relic (Toulouse) 5-8 03/12/23
Naya Control DeviousPenguin666 Standard MTGO League 2 02/12/23
Ignus Icywolf Pioneer MTGO League 2 28/09/23
Grist, The Hunger Tide Ludo Giraud Duel Commander Duel de Commandants #10 @ L'Expédition Rive-Sud (Montréal, Québec) 2 23/09/23
Mono Green Aggro Tsuyoshi Fujita Standard MTG Japan Open 2023 17-32 16/09/23
Arwen, Mortal Queen Marvin Liozu Duel Commander Big DC : Green Washing @ Relic (Toulouse, France) 3-4 09/09/23
Campsbrew Combo Daniel Camps Pioneer LEC qualifier Lille @ Dobbel&Dwars (Harderwijk, Netherlands) 2 13/08/23
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