netdecking with the stars
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11229 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Grixis Affinity ThiagoGuerra Pauper MTGO League 1 30/03/25
Grixis Affinity mnaga Pauper MTGO League 7 30/03/25
Jund Wildfire Alessio Angeletti Pauper 2' Tappa Lega Rieti @ ManaFlow (Rieti, Italy) 1 29/03/25
Dimir Control Mikhathara1994 Pauper MTGO Challenge 32 5-8 29/03/25
Mono Black Control Oceansoul92 Pauper MTGO Challenge 32 3-4 29/03/25
Grixis Affinity Alleyezonme Pauper MTGO Challenge 32 5-8 29/03/25
Grixis Affinity outZEROo Pauper MTGO Challenge 32 5-8 29/03/25
Mono Black Aggro 3vildr4k3 Pauper MTGO Challenge 32 9 29/03/25
Dimir Control Parco Au Pauper Oslo League R2PP25 #3 @ Outland (Oslo, Norway) 1 29/03/25
Grixis Affinity Michele Giordano Pauper Oslo League R2PP25 #3 @ Outland (Oslo, Norway) 3-4 29/03/25
Grixis Affinity Nil Carbo Rauentos Pauper Spirit of Pauper #12 @ 42 Southside Fantasy (Berlin, Germany) 5-8 29/03/25
Orzhov Blade Florian Merz Pauper Spirit of Pauper #12 @ 42 Southside Fantasy (Berlin, Germany) 5-8 29/03/25
Rakdos Madness Manuel Lampugnani Pauper 3 tappa Spring Season @ Lost Town (La Spezia, Italy) 3-4 28/03/25
Grixis Affinity Valerio Vitali Pauper LP Piacenza - II Tappa @ The Spire (Codogno, Italy) 2 28/03/25
Grixis Affinity discoverN Pauper MTGO Challenge 32 5-8 28/03/25
Grixis Affinity LuffyDoChapeuDePalha Pauper MTGO Challenge 32 16 28/03/25
Grixis Affinity Ale_Mtg Pauper MTGO Challenge 32 9 28/03/25
Golgari / Jund Garden outZEROo Pauper MTGO League 5 28/03/25
Affinity PrincessLTheFirst Pauper MTGO League 6 28/03/25
Grixis Affinity GusisDreaming Pauper MTGO League 7 28/03/25
Jund Wildfire Nicolò Boldrini Pauper LPMilano III - Tappa Pisa25 @ UESM (Milano, Italy) 1 27/03/25
Jund Wildfire Matteo Strazzera Pauper LPMilano III - Tappa Pisa25 @ UESM (Milano, Italy) 2 27/03/25
Sadistic Glee Francesco Barzanò Pauper LPMilano III - Tappa Pisa25 @ UESM (Milano, Italy) 5 27/03/25
Dimir Control Matteo Conte Pauper LPMilano III - Tappa Pisa25 @ UESM (Milano, Italy) 6 27/03/25
Golgari Garden Lorenzo Canazza Pauper LPMilano III - Tappa Pisa25 @ UESM (Milano, Italy) 8 27/03/25
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