netdecking with the stars
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55 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Borborygmos and Fblthp Sterling Baron cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier - #3 @ The Gathering Place (Chapel Hill, NC) 2 09/03/25
Borborygmos and Fblthp Aidan M Stanley cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier @ The Gathering Place (Chapel Hill, NC) 9-16 07/12/24
Temur Analyst jiaohongchen Standard MTGO Challenge 32 3-4 06/07/24
Temur Analyst Junkmener Standard MTGO Challenge 32 11 15/06/24
Temur Analyst Jack Yudt Standard $10k Open RCQ @ DreamHack Dallas 9-16 02/06/24
Borborygmos and Fblthp Mitchell Bisel cEDH Salt City 2 1 01/06/24
Temur Analyst Daniel Rodriguez Standard The Gathering Showdown Series S6 9-16 01/06/24
Temur Analyst Marino Donato Standard The Gathering Showdown Series S6 33-64 01/06/24
Temur Analyst John Holland Standard US Regional Championship #6 @ DreamHack Dallas 65-128 01/06/24
Temur Control Henry Dylla Standard US Regional Championship #6 @ DreamHack Dallas 65-128 01/06/24
Temur Analyst Jon Salazar Standard DH DAL Fr LCQ #13 @ DreamHack Magic 5-8 31/05/24
Temur Control Nolan Thompson Standard DH DAL Fr LCQ #14 @ DreamHack Magic 3-4 31/05/24
Temur Control Jon Salazar Standard DH DAL Fr LCQ #4 @ DreamHack Magic 5-8 31/05/24
Temur Analyst Urpalandrew Standard DH DAL Fr LCQ #5 @ DreamHack Magic 5-8 31/05/24
4c Legends Aggro Comrade1312 Standard MTGO League 3 28/05/24
Temur Control sebastianpozzo Standard MTGO Preliminary 8 28/05/24
Temur Control Lyserg Standard MTGO League 1 27/05/24
Temur Control Kafit5566 Standard MIT Championship @ GameSquare (Taiwan) 9-16 26/05/24
Temur Control Ho Zhi Mao Standard MIT Championship @ GameSquare (Taiwan) 9-16 26/05/24
Temur Control Rockylin Standard MIT Championship @ GameSquare (Taiwan) 9-16 26/05/24
Temur Control Dylan93 Standard MTGO League 2 26/05/24
Temur Control Sergio Gimenez Standard Legacy European Championship @ Napoli (Italy) 33-64 25/05/24
4c Legends Aggro Alexey Paulot Standard Legacy European Championship @ Napoli (Italy) 33-64 25/05/24
Temur Control Sui Dong Standard MTG China Open - Regional Championship @ Kadou (Beijing, China) 9-16 25/05/24
4c Legends Aggro Xuān jí wáng Standard MTG China Open - Regional Championship @ Kadou (Beijing, China) 17-32 25/05/24
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