netdecking with the stars
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791 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Red Deck Wins Jussi Kajala Highlander Talvisota 2025 @ Helsinki (Finland) 3-4 13/03/25
Norin, Swift Survivalist Misha Meihsl Duel Commander DC @ L’Oasis Bar (Genève, Switzerland) 2 24/11/24
Norin, Swift Survivalist "mtg Nem" Duel Commander MorbiGobs (win a box en ligne) @ En ligne 3-4 17/10/24
Norin, Swift Survivalist Valentin Lepetz Duel Commander DC Niçois @ Jsst (Nice, France) 3 05/10/24
Norin Noah Silberfeld Duel Commander Weekly Duel Commander @ Cartapapa (Montpellier, France) 1 26/09/24
Balmor, Battlemage Captain Florian Riviere Duel Commander Champ Reg Split 2 tour 1 @ Ile de la Reunion 2 23/06/24
Flamewar, Brash Veteran Danniel Rodrigues Duel Commander 1° Duel Commander @ Mochila Geek (Camaragibe, Brazil) 6 19/05/24
Kroxa, Titan Of Death's Hunger Fábio Oliveira Duel Commander 2º Duel Commander Nordeste @ Caverna do Dragão Cardshop (Recife, Brazil) 6 28/04/24
Anax, Hardened In The Forge Stefano Meucci Duel Commander Gapt Duel Commander Night @ Games Academy (Pistoia, Italy) 3-4 28/03/24
Balmor, Battlemage Captain Florian Rivière Duel Commander Tournoi 2/3 Champ. Régional @ Ile de la Réunion 3-4 24/03/24
Balmor, Battlemage Captain Radim Salhi Duel Commander Blood Moon DC @ (České Budějovice, Czech Republic) 2 02/12/23
Arcee, Sharpshooter // Arcee, Acrobatic Coupe Domino Duel Commander DC Monthly October 2023 @ Chroniques Du Commander Discord Server 3 23/10/23
Rdw Steeve Lhomme Pioneer Conquerants Academy @ Amay (Belgium) 1 01/08/23
Balmor Paul Duel Commander DC Cassoulet 7 Topdeck Company @ Guyajeux (Angoulême, France) 3-4 30/07/23
Boros Skalds Ray Huang Pioneer CSSC 2K RCQ @ Card Shop (Santa Clara, CA) 5-8 16/07/23
Boros Skalds _Falcon_ Pioneer MTGO League 3 10/07/23
Balmor, Battlemage Captain Alexandre Benac Duel Commander Event "Tarmogoyf 30th" @ Carta'Jeu (Lyon, France) 1 09/07/23
Balmor, Battlemage Captain Bomber_tam Duel Commander Les Chroniques Du Commander @ Twitch 5-8 30/06/23
Boros Aggro trukanshii Pioneer MTGO League 5 22/06/23
Boros Cherryxman Pioneer MTGO Preliminary 2 19/06/23
Skalds Aggro Tivini Pioneer Royale 219 3-4 16/06/23
Boros Skalds Tivini Pioneer Royale 218 3-4 13/06/23
Rdw Ryan Favour Canadian Highlander OCM Collectibles Win-a-Dual IV @ Game Kastle (Ankeny, IA) 5-8 20/05/23
Balmor, Battlemage Captain Timothée Hoffman Duel Commander UTC @ universal games (Cavaillon, France) 5-8 22/04/23
Balmor, Battlemage Captain Scheffer Dimitri - Moebius Duel Commander Open Qualifier Lorraine @ Niderviller (France) 3-4 16/04/23
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